CSC407H1F 2003 announcements

Exam is open book

Open text book, my notes, your notes, any bits of paper you care to bring. (As usual, no computers or wireless devices.)

Also, I told you the incorrect duration. It is a two hour exam.

Additional Office Hours

Bring your exam prep questions, assignments to remark and any other issues.

Monday Dec 8 11-12 BA3234

Tuesday Dec 9 10-11 BA1170

Sunday Oct 26 -- A2 extension

The due date for A2(a) is extended for one week to Tuesday Nov 4.

Good luck with your midterms.

Last meeting of LM155 section

This week (Oct 21) will be the last meeting of Renqiang's section in LM155.

Check STORM for your proper section before the Oct 28 meeting.

Tuesday Sept 30 -- Late assignments

It turns out that my original scheme to handle late assignments is not workable. The departmental office has kindly scrambled on our behalf and there will be a drop box in BA2220 for tomorrow morning. Put your late assignments there.

It's not fair for us to penalize you for handing in an assignment tomorrow, so I guess this means that the 10% level penalty extends through tomorrow.

Monday Sept 22

I've done all the waivers, as far as I know. You will have received an email confirmation if I did a waiver for you.

Wednesday Sept 24

Try and read the example on the website: Planning program analysis and design for tomorrow's lecture.

Friday Sept 19

I added an A1 FAQ page.

Later Sunday Sept 14pm

Assignment 1 posted.

Thursday Sept 18

My presentation program refuses to print slides four to a page. I'm looking into PDF tools to achieve this some other way. I'm sorry about the trees also. Stay tuned.

Sunday Sept 14 am

Set up STORM tutorial management system tables. Students can now use it to check their tutorial assignments. See tutorial info

Saturday Sept 13 pm

Set up crude Lecture Notes page. Hopefully will get chance to post some future lectures also.

Later Friday Sept 12, 2003

Finalized office hours time and location as BA3234 on Monday 11-12am

Friday Sept 12, 2003

Changed course information sheet to list Fowler's "UML distilled book" instead of Roserberg's case study book. (This after Rosenberg gives us permission to use his case study and points out that it is available on the ICONIX web site.)

Refer to: The Rosenberg's/Iconix case study book page.

Mathew Zaleski
Last modified: Wed Dec 17 00:21:19 EST 2003 $RCSfile: announce.html,v $ $Revision: 1.10 $