CSC2206 Systems Modelling and Analysis

Course: Computer Science 2206 System Modelling and Analysis
Term: Spring 2010
Instructor: P. Marbach
Class Time/Location:M 3-5pm,WB119
Office Hour: by appointment
Tutorials: R 5-6pm, BA5205
Final: TBA
Text Book: "Discrete Stochastic Processes", R. Gallager, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996. There is currently an pre-print of new edition of the book available
Topics: The emphasis of the course is on models for systems with uncertainty. We study the properties of various models and discuss how they can be applied to analyze system performance. Concepts covered include Poisson, renewal, and Markov processes.
Prerequisite: Solid knowledge of basic probability theory.
[Schedule] [Grading] [Reading] [Assignments] [Lecture Slides] [References]
