CSC209S L0101/L5101 Spring '00

Assignment 3

Handed Out: March 3, 2000 Due: March 24, 2000

Tic-Tac-Toe Via Inter-Process Communication (50 Marks)

In this assignment we will be exploring different methods of inter-process communication (IPC). Specifically, we will look at the following methods:

The first two methods are used for synchronization of access to a shared resource (shared memory in the case of this assignment). With the first two methods we will use shared memory to facilitate the passing of information between the processes. The last two methods manage synchronization and information flow in a single mechanism.

A classic operating system problem is that of co-ordinating data transfer between two processes. This assignment will involve a specific instance of this problem called the bounded buffer problem, with a buffer size of one "move" (see below). The process produces a move and stores the value in a common buffer that can only hold one move. The other process obtains the value from the storage location and consumes it. The roles then reverse, and the second process produces a move. To guarantee integrity, each value produced must be consumed (not lost via overwriting by a speedy producer with a slow consumer) and no value should be consumed twice (such as when a consumer is faster than the producer).

For this assignment you will write a single program, in four steps.

The Program Synopsis

Your program will be named "ipttt" (short for Inter-Process Tic-Tac-Toe). The program is called as follows:


Your program creates a process pair by having the parent fork() to create a child. Both the parent and the child maintain a separate copy of the Tic-Tac-Toe game board, a 3×3 array of characters into which the parent writes 'P' to indicate a move, and the child writes 'C'. Use blanks to denote spaces where no move has been made. Both processes must recognize when the game is over (3 like characters in a row, or no empty spaces left) and terminate. The child prints out its game board before terminating. When the parent detects game over, it should wait() for the child, and then print out its own copy of the game board for comparison before terminating. To track the process of the game, each player should report its moves to stdout as it makes them.

You may use whatever algorithm you wish for making moves, including random guesses. Both processes must abide by the rules (for example, one process can't attempt to play out of turn or overwrite a previous move).

Part A – Synchronization using Semaphores, Data Communication via Shared Memory

Set up a shared memory buffer that both child and parent processes can access, and use it to pass moves between them. You must ensure that data doesn’t get over-written by the producer before the consumer reads it, and that the consumer doesn’t read the same data twice. To achieve this, create a semaphore which protects access to the shared memory, and use the "mode" member of Move (see below) to indicate that the buffer is full (i.e. the consumer should read it) or empty (i.e. that the producer should write it). If the producer wants to write to the buffer, it first gains access via the semaphore. If "mode" is empty, then the producer writes its data, sets mode to full, and releases the semaphore. If mode is full, then the producer releases the semaphore and sleeps for some random amount of time before trying again. If the consumer wants to read the buffer, it gains access via the semaphore. If mode is full, then the consumer reads the data, sets mode to empty, and releases the semaphore. If mode is empty, the consumer releases the semaphore and sleeps a random amount of time. For sleeping, use usleep() with a parameter in the range of 100 to 10000. Enclose all code specific to Part A within "#ifdef SEMAPHORE" blocks.

Part B – Synchronization using Signals, Data Communication via Shared Memory

As in Part A, set up a shared memory buffer. This time there is no mode member in the move structure. Instead, set up appropriate signal handlers so the processes can signal each other when it is their turn. For example, after the producer finishes writing the buffer, it should signal the consumer that the buffer can be read. It then waits for a signal from the consumer that the buffer has been read. The consumer reads the buffer when it receives a signal from the producer, and signals the producer when the buffer has been read. Use SIGUSR1 for both signals. You may find it useful to set up the parent’s signal handler before the fork, and have the child signal the parent when it has set up its signal handler and is ready to start. Enclose all code specific to Part B within "#ifdef SIGNAL" blocks.

Part C – Data Communication via Pipes

For this part you do not need shared memory, as the pipe itself conducts the data. The producer should use write() to feed moves into the pipe, and the consumer should use read() to read moves from the pipe. Enclose all code specific to Part C within "#ifdef PIPE" blocks. You will need a bi-directional pipe.

Hint: You may find it easiest to do this part first!

Part D – Data Communication via UNIX Domain Sockets

For this part, create a UNIX Domain socket connection between the producer and the consumer. The producer should be the server. Since the client (child) may run before the server (parent) is completely set up, the consumer should retry the socket connection at one-second intervals until the connection succeeds, or a maximum number of attempts (10) has elapsed. The producer then writes blocks into the socket, and the consumer reads data from the socket. Enclose all code specific to Part D within "#ifdef SOCKET" blocks.

Hint: You may find it easiest to do this part second!

Program Design

The program begins by initializing any necessary data structures, then calling fork() to create a child process. The parent moves first in the game.

Data Structures

Your program will make moves one at a time. You must use the following data structures/definitions:

typedef enum (AccessEmpty, AccessFull) AccessMode ;
typedef struct {
char data ; // character to write on gameboard
int x,y ; // location in which to write character
AccessMode mode ;
} Move ;

This data structure is designed to facilitate transfer of data between the parent and child processes. Your program should create a variable of this type, either as a local variable or by allocating memory via malloc().

Use of the "mode" member of Block

The "mode" member exists only when using semaphores to allow the producer to notify the consumer when new data is ready for reading, and allows the consumer to signal to the producer when the data has been read. It works like this:

Version Specific Data Parameters

typedef struct {
#if defined(SEMAPHORE) || defined(SIGNAL)
/* put any declarations here you need for both the semaphore & signal versions */
/* put any declarations here you need for the semaphore version */
#ifdef SIGNAL
/* put any declarations here you need for the signal version */
#ifdef PIPE
/* put any declarations here you need for the pipe version */
#ifdef SOCKET
/* put any declarations here you need for the sockets version */
} Parms ;

Use this structure to define any version specific parameters you need. For example, for the pipe version, you will place any file descriptors you require here. The first section is for any parameters which are used by both the signals and semaphores version (i.e. any shared memory parameters).

Special Functions

Your program will declare and implement the following functions:

void InitIPCpre(Parms *p);
void InitIPCpost(Parms *p, int parent);
void SendMove(Move *theMove, Parms *p);
void ReadMove(Move *theMove, Parms *p);
void CleanupIPC(Parms *p, int parent);

You should use these functions to hide the specifics of your IPC method. This means that most (all?) of your conditional compilation directives will be in these functions. The function InitIPCpre() is to be used for any initialization which needs to be done before fork(), and InitIPCpost() for any which needs to be done after fork(). Note the latter has a Boolean parameter to specify whether the parent or child is running it. You may not change their definitions. A simple pseudo-code version of the program is as follows:

int main(int argc, char *argv)
Parms myParms ;
Move myMove ;
int pid ;

initialize game board ...

if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { /* child */
InitIPCpost(&myParms, False);
while (not Lastmove)
ReadMove(&myMove, &myParms);
// generate move here ...
SendMove(&myMove, &myParms);
} else { /* parent/producer */
InitIPCpost(&myParms, True);
while (not eof(source))
// generate move here ...
SendMove(&myMove, &myParms);
ReadMove(&myMove, &myParms);
CleanupIPC(&myparms, pid); /* both parent and child do this */

Use of Global Variables

You will refrain from using any global variables except for variables used by signal handlers to communicate with ReadMove() or SendMove(). Marks will be deducted for any unnecessary use of a global variable. You are free of course to use local static variables in functions.

Conditional Compilation

You will write one set of code which can be compiled into four different programs by using conditional compilation. The program is compiled as follows:

Part A gcc –DSEMAPHORE ipttt.c –o ipttt
Part B gcc –DSIGNAL ipttt.c –o ipttt
Part C gcc –DPIPE ipttt.c –o ipttt
Part D gcc –DSOCKET -lsocket ipttt.c –o ipttt

As always, you should hand in a printed version of your program, as well as submitting it electronically on CDF using "submit -N a3 csc209h ipttt.c". You can overwrite a previous submission by adding the "-f" switch to the submit command. No external documentation is required, but your program should be well documented.

If you wish to use multiple source files you may, but you must 1) include a makefile, and 2) use tar to create a single file, ipttt.tar, containing all your source files plus the makefile. Your makefile must have four targets named "semaphore", "signal", "pipe" and "socket" which make Parts A—D respectively.

The assignment will be marked with 10 marks for each of Parts A—D, with a further 10 marks for the code common to all parts. The marks will be allocated 30% for style, and 70% for correct operation.