60629 -- Poster

Date: December 5, 2022

This presentation will be worth 10% of your final grade.

Grading Scheme:

Clarity of presentation / Clarté de la présentation (4)
Slide or Poster quality / Qualité de l'affiche ou des diapos (2)
Correctness / Exactitude (3)
Answers to questions / Réponses aux questions (1)

Total (10)

Poster: Make a poster that describes your project. You can think of a poster as supporting material for your oral presentation (in that way it is similar to slides). It could also follow a similar structure: begin by motivating your work, then (quickly) highlight related work, talk in depth about your solution, then go into results (pictures and tables are good tools for that), finally conclude and perhaps mention one or two ideas for future work.

I suggest that you prepare a poster of format A0 (~110cm x 84cm) or A1 (~60cm x 84cm) or similar. It can be formatted in landscape (horizontal) or portrait (vertical) modes.

Here are some tips about preparing effective posters:

Presentation: You should also be ready to present your work in a maximum of *10 minutes*. The ideal poster could be mostly understood without your oral presentation but the presentation can be used to better guide attendees to the salient part of your work (in the presentation it's fine to skip details even if they are on the poster). Presentations must be in English.

For printing your poster you can go through le service de reprographie de l'Ecole. For the A0 format the approximate cost is $40 et printing can be done in one day.

The target audience for your poster are colleagues in your class.