
To probe further:

  • Computer Vision: Facts and Fiction
    From the website: This educational DVD represents an effort to inspire young people to explore and discover the often misunderstood field of Computer Vision. Ideas that are ultimately at the core of Computer Vision as a research field have permeated literature and, since the invention of film, Hollywood. Hollywood films will be used as a starting point for discussion because of their popularity. Elements of Computer Vision are commonly found in Hollywood films, acting as a bridge between the possibilities of scientific reality and fantasy. Most people, familiar with CV only through such films, have little idea of the scope of this field. This project aims to advise, clarify, and inspire curious students as well as other interested individuals. [Kyros: Follow the link for more info and to view online video clips]
  • CVOnline
    A massive set of tutorial notes for computer vision. Also points to many interactive Java demos.


Site last modified on Tuesday, November 20, 2012
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