Computational Photography

Schedule: R 4-2 (first class on 13/09/12)
Location: WB219
Instructor: Kyros Kutulakos
Phone: 946-8045
Office: BA5264
Office hours: R 10-11


The ubiquity of digital cameras and the internet, coupled with advances in computer vision and graphics, are bringing about a qualitative change in the way photographs can be captured, manipulated, and organized. Indeed, even our traditional concepts of a "camera" and a "photo" are now being challenged by newer, more flexible alternatives in which computation plays a much more central role.

In this seminar course will we will review recent work that tightly integrates computation, sensing, optics, and/or the internet in order to enhance the photography experience. The course will cover four general topics:

  • Internet photography: processing and interacting with web-based photo collections (e.g., 3D reconstruction, photo-tourism, recognition)
  • Photo reconstruction and restoration: inpainting, matting, blending, motion deblurring, denoising, etc
  • Mathematical models of light and light transport
  • Advanced photography systems & techniques: high-dynamic range photography, panoramic imaging, computational illumination, computational optics, novel camera designs


25%      Paper presentations
15%      Reaction reports
60%      Term project


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