Richard's Software Archive

Hello and welcome to Richard's software archive. Below is a list of programs and tools written by Richard Krueger, a graduate student at the University of Toronto, which may be of use to others. Most of these tools are modifications of existing programs (written by other people), "fixed" to my liking. I am extremely grateful to the original authors for their efforts, since these (hopefully) improved programs could not exist without their original work.

Note: Because some of my work are simply hacks of other people's programs, I will not post my versions until I have made reasonable attempts to contact the original authors for possible inclusion in their versions. I will, however, distribute individual copies on request. Contact me by email at krueger at if you would like a copy.

Warning: I make no representations about the suitability of these softwares for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, guarantee or technical support. They may or may not work for you, and you use them at your own risk. I will however offer any help my time permits, and I will entertain any suggestions, problems or patches.

Windowmaker / Afterstep DockApps

wmymail, edited version
I have not made enough edits yet to rename, and I still have a lot to do, but it's pretty good for my purposes. Simply put, I changed it to display new, old unread, and total number of messages in a mailbox.
TODO: more effective parsing of the from headers to display who new mail is from, display this information effectively.

wmWeather -- edited version
improved handling of data, downloading
TODO: display current conditions graphically, like wmWeather+, but portably and without oodles of extra libraries; add forcasts?; Canadianize?

Research Programs

LSDsuite - a suite of tools for generating and analyzing certain types of line segment diagrams/graphs.

Included are:
LSDgen - a Line Segment Diagram generator, random and brute force flavors
LSDanalyze - a line segment diagram property analyzer
LSDclassify - generates unique codes for LSDs
LSDisiso - LSD isomorphism tester, brute force version (exponential time)

Copyright © Richard Krueger
All rights reserved.