CSC B63: Lectures

Week Topics Readings Tutorial Notes
1 May 8 Course Introduction
Review of time complexity of algorithms and asymptotic notation
Abstract data types vs. data structures
Priority queues: heaps
Ch. 1,2,3 asymptotic bounds Asymptotic bounds on worst-case time complexity (PS)
lecture notes
2 May 15 Priority queues: heaps, mergeable heaps (binomial heaps) Ch. 6, 19 heapify and build-heap lecture notes
3 May 22 Dictionaries: binary search trees
Balanced search trees: AVL trees
12.1, 12.2, 12.3,
AVL notes (PS)
AVL tree delete lecture notes
4 May 29 Balanced search trees: B-trees
Augmenting data structures
Ch.18, Ch. 14 B-trees operations lecture notes
5 June 5 Hashing: basic definitions
Hashing: chaining, probabilistic analysis
Probabilistic vs. randomized algorithms: Quicksort
Ch. 5, 7
probability review lecture notes
6 June 12 Disjoint sets Ch. 21 augmenting AVL trees: intervals lecture notes
7 June 19 Disjoint sets
Midterm exam
Ch. 17  
8 June 26 Amortized analysis, dynamic tables
Graphs: defintions, data structures
Ch. 17,
Appendix B.4
amortized analysis lecture notes
-- July 3 Reading week -- no classes
9 July 10 Graphs: breadth-first search
Graphs: depth-first search
Ch. 22   BFS computes shortest-path proof (PDF) (PS)
lecture notes
10 July 17 Graph problems: connected components, shortest paths, topological sort Ch. 23 disjoint sets for connected components
Dijkstra's algorithm
topological sort
lecture notes
11 July 24 Graphs: minimum spanning trees
Graphs: approximating solutions
35.2 MST algorithms lecture notes
Alternate MST construction proof summary (PS)
12 July 31 Lower bounds: decision trees, adversary arguments
Lower bound for sorting
Course wrap-up
8.1, 9.1 decision trees and proving lower bounds lecture notes
-- Final exams -- August 9 - 22 -- check exam schedule

All readings are from the course textbook, Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest & Stein, Introduction to Algorithms (2nd edition). MIT Press and McGraw-Hill (2001), ISBN: 0-262-03293-7

Some of the notes are in PostScript format only. If you need a PostScript viewer for home, Ghostscript and GSview are free for both Windows and Mac (you'll need to install both programs). On the lab computers, gv should handle PS files automatically.

Lecture schedule is subject to change as the term progresses. Please check back each week to confirm reading assignments.

Note on the course textbook

Though CLRS is thick, heavy and expensive, it contains a LOT of good stuff on algorithms, data structures and algorithmic techniques that you will find useful in later courses and use as a reference once you graduate. Buying it is a good investment. The down-side is that is is at times hard to read and learn from, and they often go overboard with details and lose or obscure the "intuition" of an algorithm.

For more affordable hard-copy options, look on Amazon ($60) or sites that sell the cheaper paperback (overseas/international) version, such as or AbeBooks (sites suggested by past students), but be aware of the shipping cost, currency conversion and time.

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