CSC 324H5: Principles of Programming Languages
Winter 2006

Course Information

Instructor: Richard Krueger
email: (sorry, hidden to avoid UCE)
Lectures: Mondays, 9am-11am in SE 1130
Tutorials: Fridays, 3pm-4pm in NE 236 and 4pm-5pm in NE 286
Tutor: Edward Xia
Office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:30am - 12:30pm in SE 4063

This is the web site for the version of CSC 324 being taught at the Mississauga Campus of the University of Toronto. For the course being taught at the St. George campus, see the downtown course web page.

Course description

Major topics in the development of modern programming languages. Syntax specification, the evolution of programming languages (including abstract data types and object orientation, and contributions of C++ to language design), design and implementation of subprograms (including parameter passing techniques, and scope and lifetime of variables), run-time storage management (including garbage collection), and programming paradigms. Two nonprocedural programming paradigms: functional programming (illustrated by languages such as Lisp, Scheme, ML or Haskell) and logic programming (illustrated by languages such as Prolog, XSB or Coral). [26L, 13T]
Prerequisite: CSC207H5/270H5, 236H5/238H5

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