CSC 209H: Exam Information

Final exam information

The Faculty of Arts and Science has posted the final exam schedule (direct link). It is also posted at the Computer Science Undergraduate Office. I'm not allowed to tell you when or where the exam is just in case I make a mistake, so you'll have to look it up yourself.

Be aware: The Faculty of Arts and Science has become very strict about unauthorized aids at final exams. This is a response to some innovative cheaters. The consequences have been significant for students who have been caught with unauthorized aids, whether or not they intended to use them to cheat.

The exam will potentially cover (obviously a three-hour exam can't be comprehensive over this entire range of material):

Other matters which may have been mentioned in the course, but are excluded from exam coverage:

BRING YOUR STUDENT PHOTO ID CARD. You will have to put it face up on your desk.

Midterm information

The midterm will take place Tuesday, November 1 during regular class time in the regular room (BA 1180). The focus will be on the concepts covered so far in the course. Specific syntax details that can easily be looked up on a man page or errors that would be caught by the compiler will not be important, and such minor errors will not be penalized.

I will provide a "cheat sheet" that will list any C library function declarations you might need to use, switches for test, etc. This will resemble the cheat sheet provided in the Winter 2005 exam. Note that processes will not on the exam this term.