REVIEW: Complex numbers and Roots of Unity This material is in preparation for the lectures on the FFT next week. See also Wikipedia page "Root of Unity" Complex Plane ============== Draw the complex plane on the board, label real and imaginary axes. (See cmplxNumberReview.pdf for one slide from the lecture notes. I will refer loosely to this slide below.) Consider a complex number: z = x + i y (plot it, indicate x and y). Magnitude and Phase (Polar Coordinates) ======================================= Alternative polar coordinate representation: z = rho e^{i theta}, rho = sqrt(x^2 + y^2), theta = atan2(y, x). rho is a non-negative real, and theta is real. rho is the magnitude and theta is the angle of z (measured from the positive real (x) axis counterclockwise). (indicate rho and theta on drawing) Euler's formula: e^{i theta} = cos(theta) + i sin(theta). So z = rho e^{i theta} = rho cos(theta) + i rho sin(theta) = x + i y Draw this on the complex plane indicating all three components for some rho > 1. Roots of Unity: =============== For some integer n >= 1, the n^{th} roots of unity are the solutions z of z^n = 1 Easy to solve in polar coords: z = rho e^{i theta}, 1 = e^{2k pi}, any integer k (see Euler's formula) So z^n = rho^n [e^{i theta}]^n = rho^n e^{i n theta} = 1 (we are looking for roots of unity) = e^{2k pi}, any integer k (see Euler's formula) So the magnitude rho^n = 1, rho a non-negative real number, so rho=1. Also, matching the angle, we have e^{i n theta} = 1 = e^{2 k pi} So theta = 2 k pi / n Note there are exactly n distinct n-th roots of unity, k = 0, 1, ... , n-1. e^{i 2(k+n) pi /n} = e^{{i 2k pi/n} + {i 2n pi/n}} = e^{i 2k pi/n} e^{i2pi} = e^{i 2k pi/n} Draw on the complex plane picture, the roots for n = 8 (see cmplxNumberReview.pdf). Principal n-th Root: ==================== We define the PRINCIPAL root of unity at k = 1, namely omega = e^{i 2pi/n} Pick it out on the plot. First root counter-clockwise from z = 1. Note all the n-th roots, namely e^{i 2k pi/n}, satisfy e^{i 2k pi/n} = omega^k, that is they are simple powers of the principal root. A Key Property of the n-th Roots of Unity. ================================== Define omega = e^{i 2pi/n} (principal n-th root) Property 1: Let z = omega^j for some integer j, i.e. one of the n^{th} roots of unity. Then Sum_{k=0}^{n-1} z^k = n delta_{j mod n, 0 } Here delta_{m,n} equals one for m = n and zero otherwise. That is, the sum of the n distinct powers of omega^j is equal to either n or 0. Morover, it equals n only when j mod n = 0. Examples ======== Discuss this for j = 1, n=8 in terms of the picture. That is, if we divide the above sum by n, the "average" of the n n^th roots of unity is zero. Discuss this for j = n or 0. (All z's are 1). Discuss this for j=3 in terms of the picture...indicate the points omega^{jk}, k = 0, 1, 2. The reason the sum for j=3 is zero is not so obvious. Proof of Property 1 ========== Pf: Multiply the sum above by (z-1) = (omega^j - 1) to get: (omega^j - 1) (Sum_{k=0}^{n-1} omega^{jk}) = omega^{jn} - 1 = 1 - 1 = 0. This proves that, so long as omega^j - 1 is not zero, the sum must be zero. For the remaining case, with omega^j = 1, the sum is Sum_{k=0}^{n-1} omega^{jk} = Sum_{k=0}^{n-1} 1^{k} = n. In this case we must have 1 = omega^j = e^{i j 2pi/n} = e^{i m 2pi} for some integer m. So j = mn. That is, j mod n = 0. This completes the proof of property 1.