Old announcements

For more recent announcements, see the Announcements section of the home page.

You're receiving this email because you're enrolled in CSC240.


* This week's quiz won't be counted in anyone's CSC240 grade.

* If you successfully attended a tutorial today, you can skip the rest
of this email.

* I'm working on scheduling an optional replacement tutorial on
Friday. Check the Announcements section of the website tomorrow

Due to a scheduling mix-up, today's tutorial in BA 1240 never
happened. I'm sorry to everyone who showed up and waited.

I am working on scheduling an optional make-up tutorial. I don't have
a room or time confirmed, so please check the Announcements section of
the website tomorrow afternoon for details.

I'm aiming for 12-1pm this Friday (January 17), or possibly 11am-12pm
or 10-11am. I know that the time probably won't work for everyone, and
it is short notice. If you aren't able to attend, the tutorial slides
are posted at https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~jcook/csc240/w2020/more/ ,
and feel free to come to my office hours or make an appointment.