General comments/observations of the problems TAs noticed while going through students' code. - not adding comments to code. Just because you have javadoc doesn't mean you don't have to comment code inside the method as well. This is especially true if you're doing something non-obvious. - trying to test too much in a single test method. Test methods should be split up into smaller methods. - some people decided to copy the SampleRoundRobinRobotTester for their *RobotTester test cases; this got you 1 mark, but nothing more. - not testing certain public methods that the student implemented, or not testing them properly. For example: - testing the run() method of the Robot, but not verifying the TaskState afterwards to see that the robot ran the tasks properly. - Dequeueing items from the LLEditableQueue but not checking the return value - not testing the removeTask() method in the Robot implementations - not testing some of the "boundary cases" -- should have been give away marks since these were mentioned in tutorial & on the message board (for example, testing a task with the simplest possible main function; or testing a task that runs an infinite loop or infinite recursion).