========================================================================== ECF E-mail fwding: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your ECF e-mail address is: yourECFusername@ecf.utoronto.ca To set up e-mail forwarding and/or automatic replies for your ECF e-mail: * Log into ECF's webmail interface at https://postbox.ecf.utoronto.ca/webmail/ using your ECF username and password; * At the top of the main pane, select Options; * Choose Autoresponder / Mail Forwarding; * Follow the instructions on that page to set up automatic replies and/or mail forwarding. ========================================================================== ECF USB drive access: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECF has put in place a mechanism for accessing USB flash drives using the mtools suite of utilities. Most flash drives will appear as drive f: but some older ones may show up as the g: drive. The MToolsFM package provides a graphical interface to mtools. To start MToolsFM, click on the red hat (Main Menu) button on the panel at the bottom of the screen, then the yellow ECF icon, then move the mouse over the MToolsFM icon. If you "left click" the icon MToolsFM will open a window with two panes displaying the contents of your USB key on the left and of your home directory on the right. If you "right click" on the icon, you'll be given the opportunity to add the MToolsFM launcher to the bottom panel. MToolsFM can then be launched from there. ========================================================================== ECF and WinSCP usage: (transferring files to ECF while at home) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you'd like to submit and/or test your assignments on ECF while you're at home, you'll need to transfer your assignment files from your home computer to your ECF account using a SCP (Secure CoPy) application such as WinSCP. Google WinSCP or go to http://winscp.net/eng/index.php and click on the "Download" link, then "Downloads", then "Installation package". If the download doesn't start make sure your browser didn't block your download. Save and run the setup program you downloaded to install WinSCP. After installation you should have a WinSCP.exe executable somewhere. Run it and a configuration window should open up. In the "Session:" section in the "Host name" field type in any ECF machine (e.g. p35.ecf.utoronto.ca). Enter your ECF account username and password in the appropriate fields and select "SCP" under "Protocol". Click "Login" to start connecting to ECF. (Click "Yes" if a window opens up and asks you if you want to continue connecting). If all goes well a window should open up with two panes, one containing a directory listing on your home computer, and the other with a directory listing on your ECF account. Simply drag and drop files or directories between both panes to transfer from home to ECF or vice versa. *MAKE SURE* you're transferring in the right direction otherwise you may overwrite a new file with an old one and lose all your changes!!! Once you've transfered a file you edited on your home computer to an ECF machine, you can now use the PuTTY terminal window to compile and run your program. More importantly, you can use the PuTTY terminal to submit your assignment files. See section titled "ECF and PuTTY usage" for more info. ========================================================================== ECF and PuTTY usage: (submitting assignments while at home) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, you should download PuTTY. PuTTY is an application that allows you to connect to an ECF machine and basically looks like a "terminal" window where you can type commands that run on that machine. Download PuTTY from: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ - click on the "Download" link - Under "Binaries" right-click-save-as "putty.exe" next to "PuTTY:" If the above link doesn't work, just google PuTTY and one of the first results should take you to a download page. "putty.exe" is an executable that you run by just double-clicking (no need to install). When you run PuTTY, a PuTTY Configaration window opens up. Under the Category: "Session", in the "Host Name (or IP address)" field enter: ecf.utoronto.ca OR p#.ecf.utoronto.ca where # is the number of your favorite ECF machine :) (e.g. p35.ecf.utoronto.ca). Right underneath the Host Name field, make sure the "Protocol:" selected is "SSH". The "Port:" should be "22". Click "Open". (Click "Yes" if a window opens up and asks you if you want to continue connecting). Another PuTTY window opens up and prompts you for your login. Enter your ECF login username and then password. You should now have a command prompt similar to the terminal you use in the ECF lab machines. Type "pwd" and press Enter. You should see that you are in your home directory. You can now type commands like "cd" and "ls" to browse the folders you have on your ECF account from the terminal. However, you will *not* be able to use any commands that open up a new window (such as DrJava). Play around with PuTTY's configuration options to see if you can make it easier/more comfortable to use. Specifically, you can change the font size, and make it bold if this makes things clearer. Also, if the "backspace" character doesn't delete what you type in the terminal and instead shows a weird symbol there is an option in PuTTY's configuration that can fix that (you'll see the option have "Backspace" in it's label). Practice the following terminal commands so you can submit your assignment files properly: pwd - shows you your current directory ls - shows you the files in your current directory ls -l - ls dash-ell shows you more info on the files in your current director specifically pay attention to the date/time the file was last updated. cd dirname - change directory. For example if you have a directory named lab4 in your current directory then you can go into that directory by typing: cd lab4 then if you do pwd you'll see that you've moved into this directory and then if you do ls you'll see the files in that directory. mkdir dirname - create a directory. For example if you want to create a directory named assign1 in your current directory then type: mkdir assign1 then if you do ls you'll see that this directory has been created. mv file/dirname1 file/dirname2 - rename a file or directory. For example if you want to rename a file called maxwindow.java to MaxWindow.java type: mv maxwindow.java MaxWindow.java Make sure you're running this command from the directory that contains maxwindow.java Also, be sure to name your assignement files properly (case-sensitive) otherwise they won't be accepted! cp filename1 filename2 - copy a file. E.g. cp MaxWindow.java MaxWindow-backup.java Useful for creating backup copies on ECF. And of course the submit command (see below and assignment handout). You can view the "Introduction to UNIX" handout on the course website for more information on Unix. ========================================================================== Ssummary on submitting assignment files from home: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To submit your assignments from home, transfer all assignment files from your home computer to your ECF account using WinSCP or some other SCP program. Then use PuTTY to open a terminal on ECF and use terminal commands to go to the directory containing your assignment files. Finally, follow the submission instructions on your assignment handout to submit the files. Good luck with your assignments!