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Graph representation

Two common ways to represent graphs on a computer are as an adjacency list or as an adjacency matrix.

Adjacency list:
Vertices are labelled (or re-labelled) from 0 to $ \vert V(G)\vert - 1$. Corresponding to each vertex is a list (either an array or linked list) of its neighbours.

Adjacency matrix:
Vertices are labelled (or re-labelled) with integers from 0 to $ \vert V(G)\vert - 1$. A two-dimensional boolean array $ A$ with dimensions $ \vert V(G)\vert \times \vert V(G)\vert$ contains a 1 at $ A[i][j]$ if there is an edge from the vertex labelled $ i$ to the vertex labelled $ j$,and a 0 otherwise.

Both representations allow us to represent directed graphs, since we can have an edge from $ v_i$ to $ v_j$, but lack one from $ v_j$ to $ v_i$. To represent undirected graphs, we simply make sure that are edges are listed twice: once from $ v_i$ to $ v_j$, and once from $ v_j$ to $ v_i$.

Which representation is best? Both. If graph $ G$ has a large portion of its edges, then the adjacency matrix doesn't waste much space, and it indicates whether edge $ (i,j)$ exists with one access (rather than following a list). However, if graph $ G$ is sparse (not many of its vertex pairs have edges between them), then an adjacency list becomes preferable. For example, if $ G$ has 10,000 vertices and only about 20,000 edges, then its adjacency matrix representation will need $ 10^8$ (100 million) entries -- 400 megabytes if each took a word. Representing the same $ G$ with an adjacency list might require, say, 10,000 words for the node plus 20,000 words for the list of neighbours: 30,000 words or 120K. The difference may make one representation feasible and the other infeasible.

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Danny Heap 2002-12-16