Parallel lists

Let's write a function that compares two lists to see if they are the same

In [1]:
def lists_equal(L1, L2):
    '''Return True iff L1 and L2 have the same contents
    L1, L2 -- lists of integers
    #Need to check whether the two lists are the same length first, 
    #since otherwise we'll get an out-of-range error in the for-loop
    if len(L1) != len(L2):
        return False
    for i in range(len(L1)):
        if L1[i] != L2[i]:
            return False
    return True

P1: parallel lists

We store patient data in two lists of the same length. For example:

    sex_data =             ["m", "f", "f", "m", "m", "f"]
    ward_data =            [  1,   3,   2,   2,   1,   2] 
    length_of_stay_data =  [ 10,   5,   7,   2,   3,   4]

Write a function that computes the average length of stay in the hospital for a given sex, in a given ward. The function signature is

    def avg_stay(sex, ward, sex_data, ward_data, length_of_stay_data):
        '''Return the average length of stay for patients of sex sex in ward ward
        sex_data -- a list containing N strings that correspond to patients' sex ("m" or "f")
        ward_data -- a list of N ints that correspond to patients' ward
        length_of_stay_data -- a list of N ints that correspond to patients' legnths of 

P1: solution

In [4]:
def avg_stay(sex, ward, sex_data, ward_data, length_of_stay_data):
    '''Return the average length of stay for patients of sex sex in ward ward

    sex_data -- a list containing N strings that correspond to patients' sex ("m" or "f")
    ward_data -- a list of N ints that correspond to patients' ward
    length_of_stay_data -- a list of N ints that correspond to patients' legnths of 
    s = 0
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(length_of_stay_data)):
        if sex_data[i] == sex and ward_data[i] == ward:
            s += length_of_stay_data[i]
            count += 1
    return s/count

P2: matching strings

Write a function that returns True iff string s1 starts with string s2. For example,

starts_with("abc", "ab") should return True

starts_with("ad", "ab") should return False

P2: solution

In [5]:
def starts_with(s1, s2):
    '''Return True iff the string s1 starts with the string s2
    s1, s2 -- strings
    if len(s2) > len(s1):
        return False
    for i in range(len(s2)):
        if s1[i] != s2[i]:
            return False
    return True

P3: Standard deviation/looping over the list more than once

Recall that you can estimate the extend to which the data is spread by computing the standard deviation of the data.

The standard deviation of x1,x2,...,xn can be estimated as σ(x)^=in(xix¯)n1. Write a function to compute the standard deviation of the length of stay in a given ward.

P3: solution

In [9]:
def avg_stay_ward(ward, ward_data, length_of_stay_data):
    '''Return the average length of stay in ward ward
    ward_data -- a list of N ints that correspond to patients' ward
    length_of_stay_data -- a list of N ints that correspond to patients' legnths of 
    s = 0
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(length_of_stay_data)):
        if ward[i] == ward:
            s += length_of_stay
            count += 1
    return s/count

def sd_stay(ward, ward_data, length_of_stay_data):
    '''Return the estimate of the sd of the length of stay for patients in ward ward

    ward_data -- a list of N ints that correspond to patients' ward
    length_of_stay_data -- a list of N ints that correspond to patients' legnths of 
    s_sq_diff = 0
    count = 0
    avg_stay = avg_stay_ward(ward, ward_data, length_of_stay_data)
    for i in range(len(length_of_stay_data)):
        if ward_data[i] == ward:
            s_sq_diff += (ward_data[i] - avg_stay)**2
            count += 1
    return (s_sq_diff/count)**.5

P4: Matching DNA subsequences with nested loops

Write a function that returns True iff a DNA subsequence matches a DNA sequences somewhere. Both the subsequence and the sequence are represented as strings. For example, if

    subseq = "AATA",

then match_subseq(seq, subseq) should return True since you can match subseq to seq, but if

    seq = "CGGGTCGGGCGC"
    subseq = "AAA"

then match_subseq(seq, subseq) should return False.

Hint: think of what a useful helper function would be that's similar to what we already wrote.

P4: Solution

In []:
def match_subseq_to_subseq(seq, subseq, start_i):
    '''Return True iff the subsequence of seq that starts at start_i
    and is of the same length as subseq is equal to subseq
    start_i -- the starting index in seq, an integer
    seq, subseq -- two strings. seq is no shorter than start_i+len(subseq)
    for i in range(len(subseq)):
        if subseq[i] != seq[start_i + i]:
            return False
    return True

def match_subseq(seq, subseq):
    '''Return True iff the subsequence seq matches a the sequence seq 
    at some index
    seq, subseq -- sequences of DNA bases, represented as a string consisting
                   of the characters "A", "T", "G", "C"
    for i in range(len(seq)-len(subseq)):
        if match_subseq_to_subseq(seq, subseq, i):
            return True
    return False