Assignment 2 Clarifications and Corrections

Check this page regularly for any hints, clarifications or corrections related to Assignment 2

November 9, 2007
  • Slight change to DDL :
    • We have modified the DDL slightly. Specifically, the attribute grade in studentCourse has been changed to: grade NUMERIC(5,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00.This means that when increasing marks by some percentage, that a decimal value can be calculated and stored.
  • JDBC methods for Part 2:
    • For the method listCourses(int sid) the rows are separated with a carriage return, but the last row does not end with a carriage return.

November 8, 2007
  • Query 7 for Part 1:
    • When we say "Of all the courses offered in the 'Computer Science' department which had an enrollment of at least 3 students find the course with the highest average marks and the course with the lowest average marks. Include all tied results."
      We mean each individual course section (uniquely identified by a csid) offered by the ‘Computer Science’ Department - not including those in the current semester - and that course section must have at least three students enrolled.
  • JDBC methods for Part 2:
    • For the methods String getStudentInfo(int sid) and String listCourses(int sid) you are asked to return the department. You must return the full department name (dname) not the code.
    • For the method boolean connectDB(String URL, String username, String password) the URL that is passed as an argument will contain the "jdbc:postgresql" part. So the "jdbc:postgresql" part must NOT be hard-coded in your method.