
I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto. I am also affiliated to the newly founded Vector Institute. My research adviser is Prof. Daniel M. Roy.

I received my bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering also from the University of Toronto. During my undergrad, I worked with Prof. Anna Goldenberg on problems related to predicting growth trajectories and discovering causal genes.

Curriculum Vitae


My current research interests span programming languages, Bayesian nonparametric models, Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, statistical learning theory and (more broadly) machine learning.

I enjoy working on sophisticated models that represent underlying probabilistic symmetries in data. My research objective is to devise tractable inference algorithms for such models.

News and Travel

December 2019

January 2018

November 2017

Preprints and Research Articles

Approximations in Probabilistic Programs
Ekansh Sharma and Daniel M. Roy
| arXiv:1912.06791 | poster

Exchangeable modelling of relational data: checking sparsity, train-test splitting, and sparse exchangeable Poisson matrix factorization
Victor Veitch, Ekansh Sharma, Zacharie Naulet, and Daniel M. Roy
| arXiv:1712.02311 | slides

An estimator for the tail-index of graphex processes
Zacharie Naulet, Ekansh Sharma, Victor Veitch, and Daniel M. Roy
| arXiv:1712.01745

Modeling trajectories of mental health: challenges and opportunities
(with Lauren Erdman, Anna Goldenberg et. al)
Appeared in NIPS Workshop Machine Learning for Health 2016
| arXiv:1612.01055


Fall 2019: Teaching Assistant for the graduate course CSC2515H: Machine Learning

Winter 2019, Winter 2017, Fall 2016: Teaching Assistant for CSC236H1: Introduction to the Theory of Computation

Fall 2018: Teaching Assistant for CSC263H1: Data Structures and Analysis

Winter 2018: Teaching Assistant for CSC240H1: Enriched Introduction to the Theory of Computation


Email: ekansh -at- cs -dot- toronto -dot- edu
Office: Vector Institute
MaRS Centre, West Tower
661 University Ave., Suite 710