Loop and Recursion Tracing

This page describes an additional PythonTA feature: print-based debugging for loops and recursion. This feature makes tracing easier by printing the state of each loop iteration or recursive function call in a nicely-formatted table using the tabulate library. This functionality is found in the python_ta.debug submodule.

Loop tracing with AccumulationTable

The following section will focus on the debugging of while and for loops. This feature uses the python_ta.debug.AccumulationTable as a context manager wrapping a loop. Let’s start with two examples.

Example 1: for loop

# demo.py
from python_ta.debug import AccumulationTable

def calculate_sum_and_averages(numbers: list) -> list:
    """Return the running sums and averages of the given numbers.
    sum_so_far = 0
    list_so_far = []
    avg_so_far = None
    with AccumulationTable(["sum_so_far", "avg_so_far", "list_so_far"]):
        for number in numbers:
            sum_so_far = sum_so_far + number
            avg_so_far = sum_so_far / (len(list_so_far) + 1)
            list_so_far.append((sum_so_far, avg_so_far))

    return list_so_far

if __name__ == '__main__':
    calculate_sum_and_averages([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60])

When this file is run, we get the following output:

$ python demo.py
iteration    number    sum_so_far    avg_so_far    list_so_far
-----------  --------  ------------  ------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0            N/A       0             None          []
1            10        10            10.0          [(10, 10.0)]
2            20        30            15.0          [(10, 10.0), (30, 15.0)]
3            30        60            20.0          [(10, 10.0), (30, 15.0), (60, 20.0)]
4            40        100           25.0          [(10, 10.0), (30, 15.0), (60, 20.0), (100, 25.0)]
5            50        150           30.0          [(10, 10.0), (30, 15.0), (60, 20.0), (100, 25.0), (150, 30.0)]
6            60        210           35.0          [(10, 10.0), (30, 15.0), (60, 20.0), (100, 25.0), (150, 30.0), (210, 35.0)]

Example 2: while loop

To use AccumulationTable with while loops, you need to pass in the name of the loop variable when initializing the table.

# demo.py
from python_ta.debug import AccumulationTable

def calculate_sum_up_to_target(target: int) -> list:
    """Return the running sums of the given target.
    number = 0
    sum_so_far = 0
    list_so_far = []
    with AccumulationTable(["number", "sum_so_far", "list_so_far"]):
        while number <= target:
            sum_so_far = sum_so_far + number
            list_so_far = list_so_far + [number]
            number += 1

    return list_so_far

if __name__ == '__main__':

When this file is run, we get the following output:

$ python demo.py
iteration    number    sum_so_far    list_so_far
-----------  --------  ------------  ------------------
0            0         0             []
1            1         0             [0]
2            2         1             [0, 1]
3            3         3             [0, 1, 2]
4            4         6             [0, 1, 2, 3]
5            5         10            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
6            6         15            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


AccumulationTable.__init__(accumulation_names: list[str], output: None | str = None) None

Initialize an AccumulationTable context manager for print-based loop debugging.


accumulation_names – a list of the loop accumulator variable names to display.

The AccumulationTable class has the following instance attributes you can access after the with statement.

AccumulationTable.loop_variables: dict[str, list]

A dictionary mapping loop variable variable name to its values across all loop iterations.

AccumulationTable.loop_accumulators: dict[str, list]

A dictionary mapping loop accumulator variable name to its values across all loop iterations.

For example:

from python_ta.debug import AccumulationTable

def calculate_sum_and_averages(numbers: list) -> list:
    """Return the running sums and averages of the given numbers.
    sum_so_far = 0
    list_so_far = []
    avg_so_far = None
    with AccumulationTable(["sum_so_far", "avg_so_far", "list_so_far"]) as table:
        for number in numbers:
            sum_so_far = sum_so_far + number
            avg_so_far = sum_so_far / (len(list_so_far) + 1)
            list_so_far.append((sum_so_far, avg_so_far))

    return list_so_far

You also have the option to pass in a file path as an attribute to the AccumulationTable object. In this case, the table will be appended to the file instead of being written the console. For example:

from python_ta.debug import AccumulationTable

def calculate_sum_and_averages(numbers: list) -> list:
    """Return the running sums and averages of the given numbers.
    sum_so_far = 0
    list_so_far = []
    avg_so_far = None
    output_file = 'output.txt'
    with AccumulationTable(["sum_so_far", "avg_so_far", "list_so_far"], output_file) as table:
        for number in numbers:
            sum_so_far = sum_so_far + number
            avg_so_far = sum_so_far / (len(list_so_far) + 1)
            list_so_far.append((sum_so_far, avg_so_far))

    return list_so_far

Current limitations

The AccumulationTable is a new PythonTA feature and currently has the following known limitations:

  1. AccumulationTable uses sys.settrace to update variable state, and so is not compatible with other libraries (e.g. debuggers, code coverage tools).

  2. The AccumulationTable context manager can only log the execution of one for loop. To log the state of multiple for loops, each must be wrapped in a separate with statement and fresh AccumulationTable instance.

Recursion tracing with RecursionTable

This section will discuss the debugging of recursive functions. This feature uses the python_ta.debug.RecursionTable class as a context manager wrapping a recursive function.

Example usage

# demo.py
from python_ta.debug import RecursionTable

def factorial(n: int) -> int:
    """Calculate the factorial of n."""
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    return n * factorial(n - 1)

def trace_factorial(number: int) -> None:
    "Trace a recursively defined factorial function using RecursionTable."
    with RecursionTable("factorial"):

if __name__ == '__main__':

When this file is run, we get the following output:

$ python demo.py
n    return value    called by
---  --------------  ------------
4    24              N/A
3    6               factorial(4)
2    2               factorial(3)
1    1               factorial(2)
0    1               factorial(1)


RecursionTable.__init__(function_name: str) None

Initialize a RecursionTable context manager for print-based recursive debugging of <function_name>.

The RecursionTable class has the following methods you can access after the with statement.

RecursionTable.get_recursive_dict() dict[str, list]

Use the instance variables that define the table to create a final dictionary which directly represents the table.

For example:

# demo.py
from python_ta.debug import RecursionTable

def factorial(n: int) -> int:
    """Calculate the factorial of n."""
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    return n * factorial(n - 1)

def trace_factorial(number: int) -> None:
    "Trace a recursively defined factorial function using RecursionTable."
    with RecursionTable("factorial") as table:

    traced_data = table.get_recursive_dict()

Tracing with user-defined classes

Both AccumulationTable and RecursionTable call str on objects to display table entries. If you plan to use instances of a user-defined class in these tables (for example, a Tree class when tracing a recursive Tree method), we recommend implementing the __str__ method in your class to ensure a meaningful output is displayed.

Current limitations

The RecursionTable is a new PythonTA feature and currently has the following known limitations:

  1. RecursionTable uses sys.settrace to update variable state, and so is not compatible with other libraries (e.g. debuggers, code coverage tools).

  2. Only one function can be traced per use of RecursionTable, and so mutually-recursive functions are not supported.