Code Generation Rules for 488/2107

Spring 1998

The following is a list of code generation actions you will need to perform for the project. They are referenced R1-R50. No other code generation actions should be necessary.

Data Structures used by Code Generation Rules

Code Generation Rules

Programs and Scopes

R0 Start of the program. Set pc and mt to values for starting execution.
R1 Start of scope (global, procedure/function) Check that lexical level less than displaySize. Emit instructions to enter statement scope.
R2 Beginning of inline function Check that lexical level less than displaySize. Emit instructions to enter expression scope.
R3 End of declarations Emit instructions to allocate variables (if required) and prepare scope for execution.
R4 Before returning from a function Emit instructions to obtain address for result.
R5 End of scope Emit instructions to free variables and prepare to exit statement scope.
R6 End of in-line function Emit instructions to move result down, free variables, and prepare to exit expression scope.
R38 Last statement in program Emit Halt.

If and Loop Constructs

R7 After ELSE statement, before body of functions and procedures Emit forward unconditional branch. Record address of instruction in FBS.
R8 Conditional in IF and WHILE Emit forward branch on false. Record address of instruction in FBS.
R9 After THEN or ELSE part of IF statement, body of WHILE loop, or body of procedure/function Fix-up address of forward branch identified by top entry of FBS to current location. Pop FBS.
R10 Before body of LOOP or WHILE Push current location onto BBS.
R11 After body of LOOP or WHILE Emit unconditional branch to address on top of BBS. Pop BBS.
R12 After ELSE statement Interchange top two entries in FBS.
R37 EXIT expression Emit forward branch for exit. Record instruction address in LES.
R49 Before body of LOOP Push LES.
R50 After body of LOOP Fixup branches described by top entry in LES to current location. Pop LES.

Expressions, Input & Output

R13 UNARY MINUS operator Emit instructions appropriate to operator.
R14 PLUS operator Emit instructions appropriate to operator.
R15 MINUS operator Emit instructions appropriate to operator.
R16 MULTIPLY operator Emit instructions appropriate to operator.
R17 DIVIDE operator Emit instructions appropriate to operator.
R18 EXPONENT operator Emit instructions appropriate to operator.
R19 AND operator Emit instructions appropriate to operator.
R20 OR operator Emit instructions appropriate to operator.
R21 EQUAL operator Emit instructions appropriate to operator.
R22 NOT EQUAL operator Emit instructions appropriate to operator.
R23 LESS THAN operator Emit instructions appropriate to operator.
R24 LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO operator Emit instructions appropriate to operator.
R25 GREATER THAN operator Emit instructions appropriate to operator.
R26 GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO operator Emit instructions appropriate to operator.
R27 GET integer Emit instructions to read and store integer.
R28 PUT integer Emit instructions to print integer.
R29 PUT string constant Emit instructions to print text.
R30 SKIP statement Emit instructions to skip to new line on output.
R31 Need address of variable, e.g., during assignment Emit instructions to obtain address of variable.
R32 Need value of variable, e.g., during call-by-value Emit instructions to obtain value of variable.
R33 Storage (e.g., assignment) Emit STORE.
R34 Boolean value FALSE Emit PUSH 0.
R35 Boolean value TRUE Emit PUSH 1.
R36 Integer constant Emit PUSH integer value.

Scalars and Arrays.

R39 Array variable declaration Emit instructions to allocate storage for an array variable.
R40 Beginning of subscript computation Emit instructions to obtain address of an array variable.
R41 End of subscript computation Emit instructions to check that index is in bounds. Emit instructions to create address of array element.
R42 Scalar variable declaration Emit instructions to allocate storage for a scalar variable.

Functions, procedures and arguments.

R43 Right before returning from a function/procedure Emit instructions to return from a function or procedure.
R44 Procedure call Emit instructions to call a procedure.
R45 Start of list of actual parameters to a procedure Emit instructions to generate block mark for procedure call.
R46 Start of list of actual parameters to a function Emit instructions to generate block mark for function call.
R47 Function call Emit instructions to call function.
R48 Actual parameter to function/procedure Emit instructions to save argument for call.

Note: Depending on the implementation decisions that you make, some of these code generation actions may be no-ops.

Marsha Chechik
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Last modified on February 16, 1998