Active Collaborative Filtering

Craig Boutilier
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON M5S 3H5

Richard S. Zemel
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON M5S 3H5

Benjamin Marlin
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON M5S 3H5

Collaborative filtering (CF) allows the preferences of multiple users to be pooled to make recommendations regarding unseen products. We consider in this paper the problem of online and interactive CF: given the current ratings associated with a user, what queries (new ratings) would most improve the quality of the recommendations made? We cast this in terms of expected value of information (EVOI); but the online computational cost of computing optimal queries is prohibitive. We show how offline prototyping and computation of bounds on EVOI can be used to dramatically reduce the required online computation. The framework we develop is general, but we focus on derivations and empirical study in the specific case of the multiple-cause vector quantization model.

An earlier version of this paper (which excluded evaluation of naive Bayes models and query prototyping) appeared in Ninth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AI-Stats).

To appear, UAI 2003

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