Location: SONAD 2018 will take place in the Sandford Fleming Building, room SF 1105, 10 King's College Rd, Toronto, Ontario, which is located in the University of Toronto Saint George campus.
Date: Friday, May 4, 2018, from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
Invited speakers: Professors Robert Corless (Western) and Justin Wan (Waterloo) have agreed to give the keynote lectures for the conference. For titles and abstracts of their talks, please see Program with abstracts.
Call for abstracts: Graduate students are encouraged to coordinate with their supervisors and submit titles and abstracts for their presentations. Presentations are 15' long, including 2' to 3' for questions. For submission, see registration page below. If the need arises, e-mail ccc@cs.toronto.edu. Deadline for submission of abstracts: April 23, 2018 (closed).
Registration: Registration is free but mandatory, and must be done through the registration page. Deadline for registration: May 1, 2018 (closed).
Maps including parking:
See the University of Toronto
Click on "Parking" (left column)
to see the parking spaces.
One of the closest ones to the Sandford Fleming Building
is the
Bahen Centre for Information Technology (B.C.I.T.) Parking Garage,
accessible from Huron Street (entrance on Huron St. just north of College St).
Click on the "Search" tab,
type "SF" on the "Search" field, then click "Go",
to see the location of the Sandford Fleming Building.
Alternatively, go directly to the
SF link
on the map.
Program, abstracts and participants list:
Program with abstracts (version 2, 24-4-2018, final)
Participants list (up to 4-5-2018)
9:30 | Registration and coffee |
9:45 | Opening remarks |
9:50 | Robert Corless (invited lecture), Western University
Optimal Backward Error and the Leaky Bucket |
10:35 | Eunice Chan, Western University
Algebraic Linearizations of Matrix Polynomial |
10:50 | Leili Rafiee Sevyeri, Western University
The Runge Example for Interpolation and Wilkinson's Examples for Rootfinding |
11:05 | Break |
11:25 | Reza Zolfaghari, McMaster University
An Hermite-Obreschkoff Method for Stiff High-Index DAEs |
11:40 | Jienan Yao, University of Toronto
Numerical PDE methods for a discontinuous diffusion problem with application to brain cancer growth |
11:55 | Shashwat Sharma, University of Toronto
An accelerated solver for Maxwell's equations in integral form with application to integrated circuit design |
12:10 | Lunch - on your own |
13:40 | Justin Wan (invited lecture), University of Waterloo
Multigrid Methods for Solving Cooperative, Non-cooperative and Mean Field Games arising from Economics |
14:25 | Michael Chiu, University of Toronto
Backward Simulation of Poisson Processes |
14:40 | Edward Cheung, University of Waterloo
Nonsmooth Frank-Wolfe with Uniform Affine Approximations |
14:55 | Break |
15:15 | Pritpal Matharu, McMaster University
Determination of Optimal Closures for Hydrodynamic Models |
15:30 | Vishal Siewnarine, York University
High Order Pole Conditions for the Solution of the Poisson Equation |
15:45 | Dongfang Yun, McMaster University
On Maximum Enstrophy Growth and Extreme Vortex States in Three-dimensional Incompressible Flows |
16:00 | Giselle Sosa Jones, University of Waterloo
Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Linear Free Surface Problems |
16:15 | Break |
16:30 | Paulo Zúñiga, University of Concepcion and University of Waterloo
A high order mixed-FEM for the Poisson problem on curved domains |
16:45 | Xiulei Cao, York University
Electro-Neutral Models for Dynamic Poisson-Nernst-Planck System |
17:00 | Keegan Kirk, University of Waterloo
Error Analysis of a Space-Time Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Advection-Diffusion Equation |
17:15 | Sujanthan Sriskandarajah, York University
Identification of the dielectric parameters of a tissue using optimization subject to Maxwell's Equations |
A/V equipment, wi-fi:
The projector we'll being using for the SONAD talks has a VGA plug only.
So presenters should bring their own VGA adaptor, as required.
There is also a desktop PC available in the "teaching station" running
Windows and with Powerpoint 2010 and Adobe Reader. There are some USB plugs
on the teaching station, and they can be used if people
bring their talk on a USB key. So, it might be good to bring your talk on
a USB key too, just in case you have trouble connecting your computer to
the projector.
Participants who are from various universities can connect to the Internet
using the eduroam wireless network.
On campus: The closest place for lunch is the cafeteria
in the basement of the Sandford Fleming building.
Quick, fairly cheap and easy, offers lots of tables to sit,
but has limited variety.
Another on campus cafeteria is in the Medical Sciences building,
across from King's College Rd and on King's College Circle,
very close to Sandford Fleming building.
This cafeteria is large and can accommodate several people.
Limited selection.
Yet another on campus cafeteria is in the main floor
of the Bahen Center for Information Technology,
40 St. George Street, still close to Sandford Fleming building.
Limited seating.
Around: College street near St. George street has several restaurants,
however, if you are willing to walk
about two blocks south of campus, you will find one
of the most colourful ethnic dining streets, Baldwin St.
Also, if you walk two blocks west on College,
you reach Spadina Avenue and the China town.
The diagram (not to be scaled)
shows some restaurants on College and Baldwin streets,
and on Spadina Avenue.
You can also see the Google map with suggestions by Alec Jacobson,
a faculty member in our graphics group.