Information need: -> locate or find some information about a document written in the 1400s about how to determine if a person is a witch and how to deal with them! -> we know that this document was acknowledged by the Church at the time The following is an example of a log, per the Assignment 4 specifications, including an 'access tree', described in detail in tutorial on Oct. 31, 2002. Query 1 ------- Search engine: Query string: witch Number of responses considered: 20 Number of responses accessed: 2 Number of responses leading to relevant information: 0 Links access from hit page: 1. The main site of the Salem, Massachusetts Witch Museum -> The Salem Witch Trials of 1692 - introduction, description -> FAQ's About the Salem Witch Trials -> A Discovery (channel) website for a discussion about a book relating to the Salem Witch Trials -> Information about the museum itself. 2. The Witches' Voice Wiccan site with very hard to navigate collection of links, none of which seemed to be relevant. Not successful, only pagan/wiccan sites, specific Salem Witch trials sites, and unrelated sites found in the top 20 hits. Query 2 ------- Search engine: Query string: witch church Number of responses considered: 20 Number of responses accessed: 2 Number of responses leading to relevant information: 2 Links accessed from hit page: 1. The Inquisition, Crone Turns Witch General information about persecution of women/witches -> In the beginning... This site turned out to be a Wiccan site. Little history apart from previous link. 2. A "free term paper" actually turns up the name of the text we are interested in: Malleus Maleficarum, "The Hammer of Witches". This search was not successful, i.e. we did not get full access to the text in question, but it was very helpful, since we can now narrow down our search query. Query 3 ------- Search engine: Query string: malleus maleficarum Number of responses considered: 1 Number of responses accessed: 1 Number of responses leading to relevant information: 1 Links accessed from hit page: 1. THE MALLEUS MALEFICARUM of Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger -> The Malleus Maleficarum Table of Contents This search was successful: we have found a full online version of the text we were seeking.