XSS (Cross Site Scripting)

Cross site scripting is a web application vulnerability which allows an attacker to inject Javascript into web pages which are viewed by other users. Typically, the goal is to have the targeted user visit an attackers website, or send secure user information, like browser cookies, to the attacker.

For perspective, think of the attacker leaving malicious Javascript on his facebook page and then the user visiting their page.

Some simple examples

Give me a short String (<100 characters!!).

Some bad strings!!
The above form submits to xssEcho.php. This perl script essentially just echoes it's input. Note that it tries to be careful by using <xmp> tags. This is kind of like quoting the input to hopefully prevent the browser from interpreting the input as html. It also does not allow long inputs.

You should try this script with Some bad strings (0-6)

What if others can send you strings?

Add a string

Give me a String to add to the file...

Show me the strings
The form above executes xssAddString.php. This perl script saves user input in a shared file (this can be from any user on the web).

The link 'Show me the strings' executes xssShowStrings.php this reads the contents of the shared file (with web users saved strings) and displays them.

Unfortunately, Some bad strings (0-6) will be interpreted by browsers as html (and javascript). To sum up, a user that saves strings like 0-6 will cause other users to view html or worse, execute javascript. Remember, the intention was that the user views the verbatim text saved in the shared file.

What are cookies and what does this have to do with it?

Tell me your secret

Show me my secret
The above form submits to xssSetSecret.php. This script causes a cookie (attribute/value pair) to be set on the browser. In particular, the cookie will be called secret with value equal to whatever the user submits. Each time the browser visits a webpage within this website, the browser will return the attribute/value pair to the website.

This interaction is like obtaining a membership card from a club Each time you visit the club, you show your membership card.

When the browser now visits the 'Show me my secret' the browser automatically sends the cookie (shows the membership card). This link executes xssShowSecret.php which simply echoes back the cookie the browser sent.

In class, I used the above form to set a cookie on my browser and to view the set cookie.

What if others can send you strings?

At this point we had a cookie set on the browser. This cookie was sent back to any application on the website (including the xssSaveString.pl script!!).

See some bad strings (7-8)

Preventing XSS