
Assignment 2 - HTML5, JSON, JQuery, php, postgresql, AJAX

Due: Sunday March 30, 2013, 11:50 PM
Late penalty: 20% penalty for 48 hours late, not excepted after that.
Hand in: Submit here
Marking: The preliminary marking scheme is here
Groups: Work in teams of size 2
Environment:We will run your code under Firefox, in the lab and on the VM.
For the following use JQuery, php, HTML, CSS and postgresql. Work in teams of at most size 2. Use only the JQuery libraries we have shown you in class. This is an AJAX application. Rewrite A1 so that it uses AJAX. In this case, a single page load of HTML, Javascript and JQuery libraries results in the complete application being downloaded to the users browser. The rest of the interaction with the server consists of just .getJSON queries to specific PHP scripts on the server. You should implement the same CRUD operations required in Assignment 1, including task delete. C = Create R = Retrieve U = Update D = Delete User: CRU Task: CRUD Statisics: R This implies the creation of around 8 PHP scripts, as well as some additional supporting scripts, like login.php, logout.php etc. Of course, you can combine these scripts together if you like.

You do not need the News, Contact, Social Media links, etc. pages for this application. We will just focus on a nice user interface and AJAX for the main Todo functionality. Of course, we will mark you for great, simple, clear, concise, easy to understand code.


Questions and Answers

How should I convert my A1 to A2.
Your best bet would be to start with the guessGameAjax application and then to change this into A2. You should pull over to the new To Do only those pieces of A1 that you can use. It will not turn out well if you copy your A1 to A2 and then change it from there.
Do I have to use only a single .html for my application. Can I use multiple .html or .php to generate the user interface?
Use a single .html and a collection of javascript libraries to get the job done. You will learn a lot about AJAX, JQuery, Javascript by doing it this way.
Can my PHP scripts send any HTML?
No, the scripts receive and send JSON only. The PHP knows nothing about application state except whether you are logged in or not. This is stored in the users session.
Can I have a solution to guessGameAjax?
Yes, here it is.
I thought we were supposed to communicate via JSON. Your guessGameAjax uses URL encoding to send parameters.
You can package the request as a single JSON object in the URL, conceptually like ... login.php?request={ username : 'arnold', password : 'myPassword' } to do this, you might like to take a look at the JSON.parse and JSON.stringify javascript functions. This will paricularly make sense when you want to send complex objects that are best captured by JSON datastructures on the Javascript side.
How complex should each .php be?
It should capture a single, simple purpose. Basically like a function call. This will actually simplify your application.
Can you post the todo login code shown in lecture this week?
Yes, here it is.
My Javascript is complex, any hints?
Any pointers as a result of the lab?
How do you prevent browser caching of a webpage?
see this