Computing Insights for Teachers

Some Practice Problems

Please consider the following problems. They are meant to test familiarity with some language features.

If you have any questions about the quiz, primes or any programming language features (ie if statements, loops, procedures/functions, recursion etc.) please let me know and we can point you to some background material to get you warmed up.

Implement the following functions/procedures/methods using the programming language of your choice You must use the suggested algorithm/approach.

  1. IsPrime(integer n)

    Background: An number n > 1 is prime if and only if its only divisors are 1 and itself.
    Input: n an integer which is greater than 1
    Output: returns true if n is a prime number and false otherwise

  2. AllPairs(integer n)
    Input: n an integer, n >= 0
    Output: prints out
  3. Buyable(integer n)

    Background: At McDonalds, you can only purchase 6,9 and 20 packs of McNuggets. Call an amount of McNuggets buyable if it is possible to purchase some number of 6,9 and 20 packs and total the target amount.

    For example 0, 6, 15, 18 are all buyable. 10 and 11 are not buyable.
    Input: n an integer
    Output: returns true if n is a buyable amount, false otherwise

    Algorithm: Implement the following recursive algorithm
    	if n < 0 then n is not buyable
    	if n=0 then n is buyable
    	if one of n-6, n-9 or n-20 is buyable then so is n