Assignment 1 : Marking Guidelines ================================= Questions 1 & 2 --------------- The OOT programs that you create for these questions will be submitted both electronically and by hard copy. If you were able to produce an OOT program that compiles and runs, and if you have output that helps to illustrate that your program does in fact work properly, you may submit these input and output files by hard copy as well. This is strictly optional. The majority of the marks for these questions will be awarded for having a working solution (i.e., the logical correctness of your solution). Marks will be deducted if your submission fails to solve the problem as stated. There will also be some marks allocated for your programming style. See the notes on this later in this document. For Question 1, there will also be marks allocated for your typed explanation of how your monitor code implements fair signaling. You can refer to parts of your code as you explain how it implements fair signaling. Question 3 ---------- The marks for this question will be awarded for your typed explanation of the specific situation in the Minotaur Operating system that Checkpoint Charlie models. You should refer to the specific modules and line numbers of the files in the Minotaur operating system that contain this code, and to specific details to indicate that you really are sure exactly which section of code implements this situation in Minotaur. If there is vagueness in your answer, marks will be deducted. Mark Breakdown -------------- Questions 1 and 2 are weighted more than question 3. Style and Documentation ----------------------- As well as marking the correctness of your OOT programs in questions 1 and 2, we'll be examining such things as your programming style, readability, and documentation. You should include sufficient comments to explain what your program is doing. Correctness of your programs will account for the largest portion of your mark, but programming style and documentation are also important. Some things to consider are: 1) Commenting - a description of the program at the top - describe each variable and procedure - add comments to the code to explain anything that may not be obvious 2) Use meaningful variable names 3) Keep your code succinct. It should be easy to follow and have good readability. General Deductions ------------------ Note that there will be deductions for failing to comply with the submission requirements. Please see the /u/csc468h/include/a1/HandIn file for submission information.