Standard answers to midterm test, CSC108F (Clarke's section), October 1997. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.(a) class Person { String name; double height; double weight; public Person (String name, double height, double weight) { = name; this.height = height; this.weight = weight; } public String toString() { return name + " " + height + " " + weight; } } 1.(b) Person p = new Person ("me", 1.70, 75); 2.(a) can't assign double to int. 2.(b) needs (), not {} 2.(c) denominator is 0 2.(d) either "no error" or "prints something untrue: one + one = 2" or "does wrong calculation: * instead of +" 3.(a) As easy as can be, don't you think 3.(b) args[0] = my args[1] = name args[2] = is 3.(c) for (int i = 0; i