CSC108 April 98 Exam Solutions

This solution was provided by Bonny Biswas.

April 98 Question 1

April 98 Question 2

This is a first inefficient way of solving the problem..

  boolean valid_position(boolean[][] board, int row, int column)
   if (board[i][j])
     return false;
   else {
     int i,j;
     // check each square in the column
     j = column;
     for (i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
       if (board[i][j])
         return false;
     // check each square in the row
     i = row;
     for (j = 0; j < board[i].length; j++) {
       if (board[i][j])
         return false;
     //check diagonals
     int incr_i, incr_j;

     // left half of diagonal of negative slope
     incr_i = -1;
     incr_j = -1;
     i = row + incr_i; 
     j = column + incr_j;
     while ( i < board.length && j < board[i].length && i>=0 && j>=0)
       if (board[i][j]) return false;
       i += incr_i;
       j += incr_j;     
     // left half of diagonal of positive slope
     incr_i = 1;
     i = row + incr_i;
     j = column + incr_j;
     while ( i < board.length && j < board[i].length && i>=0 && j>=0)
       if (board[i][j]) return false;
       i += incr_i;
       j += incr_j;
     // right half of diagonal of negative slope
     incr_j = 1;
     i = row + incr_i;
     j = column + incr_j;
     while ( i < board.length && j < board[i].length && i>=0 && j>=0)
       if (board[i][j]) return false;
       i += incr_i;
       j += incr_j;
     // right half of diagonal of positive slope
     incr_i = -1;
     i = row + incr_i;
     j = column + incr_j;
     while ( i < board.length && j < board[i].length && i>=0 && j>=0)
       if (board[i][j]) return false;
       i += incr_i;
       j += incr_j;
   }// end else
  } // end valid_position

Notice how the i & j assignments as well as the while loop are repeated throughout the method in order to check all halves of all diagonals.. This is very redundant. See the solution below for a better implementation.

April 98 Question 2 Revised

This a more efficient implementation of Question 2.

  boolean valid_position(boolean[][] board, int row, int column)
   if (board[i][j])
     return false;
   else {
     int i,j;
     // check each square in the column
     j = column;
     for (i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
       if (board[i][j])
         return false;
     // check each square in the row
     i = row;
     for (j = 0; j < board[i].length; j++) {
       if (board[i][j])
         return false;
     //check diagonals
     int incr_i, incr_j;
	(diagonal(-1,-1,board,row,column) && diagonal(1,-1,board,row,column)
	&& diagonal(1,1,board,row,column) && diagonal(-1,1,board,row,column));

  boolean diagonal(int incr_i, int incr_j, boolean[][] board, int row,
	           int column)	    
     int i = row + incr_i; 
     int j = column + incr_j;
     while ( i < board.length && j < board[i].length && i>=0 && j>=0)
       if (board[i][j]) return false;
       i += incr_i;
       j += incr_j;     

April 98 Question 3

April 98 Question 4