University of Toronto
CSC104 H1Y Course Outline
Summer 2000


    Andria Hunter
        Email: (just "andria" from CDF-PC)
        Phone: (416)978-7797 (Tuesday afternoons only)
        Office: SF2302D
        Office Hours: 4-6 p.m. and 9-10 p.m. Tuesdays
        Lectures: L0101  Tuesday 1-3 p.m.  Room WB116
                  L5101  Tuesday 7-9 p.m.  Room WB116


    Day Section (L0101): Tuesdays 3-4 p.m.

        Tut.    Who? (lastname)  Tutor                     Room
        1       A - Ho           Biljana Gajic-Jakovljevic WB116
        2       Hp - Ng B        Frederick Pang            WB119
        3       Ng C - Z         Petra Hall                WB258
    Evening Section (L5101): Tuesdays 6-7 p.m.

        Tut.    Who? (lastname)  Tutor                     Room
        4       A - Z            Sidath Attapattu          WB116

    You must attend the assigned tutorial unless given
    permission to do otherwise by the instructor.

Tutors' Office Hours

    You are welcome to attend any tutor office hour regardless of your
    assigned tutorial or lecture section.  The office hours are held at
    the CDF-PC site in the Gerstein Science Information Centre, at
    these times:
        Monday           4-5 p.m.
        Thursday         6-7 p.m.

    These office hours begin during the second week of the term.  Check
    the "People" page on the course web site for an exact listing.

Text books

    1. Computers, Technology, and Society 2nd edition, by Parsons,
         Oja and Low
    2. CSC104 Lecture Package, by Ghorishi & Hunter (available from your
         instructor after lecture or during office hours for $30)
    3. Optional: Essentials of Visual Basic 6.0 Programming,
         by David Schneider

    4. "The PC handbook": J.N. Clarke (ed.), How to prepare programs
         on the Computer Science PC facility.  (PC99 written on cover)

Grading Scheme

    Item           Weight    Due
    Assignment 1     5%      June  6  (HTML)
    Assignment 2    10%      June 27  (VB)
    Midterm         20%      July  4 @ 6 p.m. BOTH lecture sections
    Assignment 3    10%      July 18  (Essay)
    Assignment 4    10%      Aug   1  (Office)
    Final Exam      45%

NOTE: To pass this course, you must obtain an overall grade of at least
50%, including at least 40% on the final and 40% on the term mark.

There will be no make-up midterm test. Should you miss the test due to
medical reasons and provided that you have a doctor's note describing
your inability to write the test, the weight of the test will be added
on to your final exam.

Tentative Schedule

 Week             Lecture		  Tutorials	  Due
 W1 May      15   Intro., Hardware        NONE
 W2 May      22   Hardware                Windows/email/www/HTML
 W3 May      29   Hardware, Programming   HTML
 W4 June      5   Programming             Visual Basic    A1 Due
 W5 June     12   Programming             Visual Basic
 W6 June     19   Programming             Visual Basic
 W7 June     26   Computer Networks       MS-Word         A2 Due
 W8 July      3   Computer Software       Midterm         Midterm
 W9 July     10   History of Computing    MS-Excel
W10 July     17   Computers & Society     MS-Excel        A3 Due
W11 July     24   Theory of Computing     MS-Access
W12 July     31   Artificial Intelligence PowerPoint/Rev. A4 Due
W13 Aug       7   Optional Review         NONE


Therefore, given contemporary society's increasing dependence on
computers, this will be one of the most useful courses you will be taking
as a computer user.  To this end, the course will be divided into the
following three distinct and yet integrated components:

  1. Computer Hardware and Software
  2. Computer Programming using Microsoft Visual Basic
  3. Various topics in computer science such as: Computer Networks, Data Base
       Management Systems (DBMS), Computers and Society, Computational and
       Complexity Analysis, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).



Start them early: Around due dates, the demand for PCs exceeds the
number of available machines at the computer labs.  Temporary computer
system glitches are not a valid excuse for late assignments.

Be aware of plagiarism: Although you are encouraged to discuss general
approaches to assignments with your classmates, the work you submit
must be 100% yours.  This means that you should not take notes while
discussing the assignments with your classmates. You should also guard
your assignment at all times; i.e. do not dispose of your rough work at
school.  Should you have any questions about plagiarism, please read
the students' code of conduct in the calendar and/or talk to your

Submission: All assignments are due at the beginning of your tutorial.
You may submit late to the CSC104 drop box (outside SF2305A) until 6
p.m. the next day, but the assignment will receive a 30% late penalty.

Only assignments that have a doctor's note will be accepted after the
late due date.  Notify your instructor immediately and deliver your
doctor's note to your instructor, not to your TA.

Furthermore, all assignments must be submitted in an unsealed 8.5 x 11"
envelope, with the provided cover page attached to the front of this
envelope.  In addition, you should carefully read and follow the
submission instructions specific to each assignment.  Failure to do so
will cost you marks.

Requesting a Regrade

If you need an assignment regraded, you must write a note precisely
describing where the marking error has been made, attach the note to
your assignment, and submit it to your TA.

Your TA will return your assignment either with the revised mark or
with an explanation as to why the original mark stands. Keep in mind
that the adjusted mark may be higher or lower then the original grade,
depending on the errors made.

Should you not be satisfied with your TA's response, please submit the
entire assignment to your instructor, along with your note and your
TA's explanation for re-evaluation. Once your instructor has examined
the assignment, your instructor may want to hold a meeting with you and
your TA, to resolve the dispute.


Your instructor may be contacted during the office hours or by e-mail.
Do not expect an immediate response to e-mail close to the assignment

Given the large number of student e-mail messages that are received on
a regular basis, it is imperative that your e-mail be kept short,
clear, and concise.  To ensure a fast response to your e-mail, please
proofread it before sending it to your instructor.

Furthermore, before sending your message, be sure to check the
announcements page on the course web site to make sure your question
hasn't already been answered.

If you are sending e-mail from an account other than your CDF-PC e-mail
account, you must include your full name and student number at the
bottom of your message.

The TAs are not responsible for responding to e-mail.  The only time
you can contact them is during your tutorial and their office hours.

Course Web Site

You are responsible for checking this web page frequently, as important
course announcements are posted here.  All assignment handouts will be
posted on the course web page.

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