A Neat GIF from Dave

Andria's Web Stats

Here is a gif that Dave Tubbs (dtubbs@xmission.com) made for me. Purrrrty neat, eh?! :-) Dave is the creator of the "statbot" program which I use to keep statistics about the number of times that each of my web pages has been accessed. Look at the page statistics part of my homepage in order to see how I have used Dave's "statbot" program to keep track of accesses to my web pages.

You may also go directly to my page statistics "statbot" directory. The AFTERNOON.sh and MORNING.sh scripts are the two c-shell scripts which are submitted as cron jobs. For more information on how these two scripts are submitted, take a look at the CRON_README file. The information about how I configure the statbot program can be found in the statbot.cfg file.

This page is maintained by © 1998 Andria Hunter (andria@cs.toronto.edu).

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URL:  http://www.whockey.com/andria/misc/neat.html