CSC 458: Computer Networks
Spring 2006

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  •  Projects

    Project 4: Applications

    Your assignment is to design and implement a network application. The application, "Fishtank," consists of a chatroom server and client. You also have the option of building a second application for bonus marks. The second application, "Fishweb," consists of a web server and client. Because these applications involve server components, we define the following "well-known ports:" a Fishtank server listens on port 88, and a Fishweb server listens on port 80. Clients of these servers should pick an unused local port to listen on for replies from the servers.

    Because multiple services and applications must co-exist in your code, pay particular attention to structuring your code to make it easy to add additional services and clients in a modular fashion.

    As a reminder, if you connect your code up to class trawlers, other students (and quite likely your TA) will be able to interact with you. Please show respect and good judgement; we don't want to see any incidents involving inappropriate language or "malicious" code.


    Fishtank is a chatroom service. As part of this, you will need to build two components:
    • Fishtank server: Your server should listen for and accept connections from clients on the well-known Fishtank port 88. Each arriving connection is associated with one fishtank client. The fishtank server performs two jobs: first, it accepts fishtank commands from clients arriving on inbound connections; second, for each client, it opens up a connection to that client so that it can relay all chatroom messages to it. Accordingly, the fishtank server accepts the following commands. (Note that a fishtank command is delivered from a fishtank client to a fishtank server inside a transport connection. Thus, the "payload" of a transport connection to a fishtank server is a stream of commands, and the connection will remain open as long as the client remains connected to the server.)

      • hello <username> <clientport>\r\n

        This is the first command that a client must send to the fishtank server. The "<username>" component of the command is a user name associated with the client. The <clientport> is the client-side port to which the fishtank server should open a connection to relay messages. Note that the quotes are not part of the command. Finally, the "\r" indicates a carriage return character (ASCII character 0x0d) and the "\n" indicates a newline character (ASCII character 0x0a). All commands in fishtank are separated with this "\r\n" delimiter. So, for example, a client might send the following command:
        hello joe 211\r\n
        which tells the fishtank server that a user named "joe" is connecting to the chatroom, and that the server should connect to joe's fishtank client on port 211. Usernames should consist only of ASCII text characters; no spaces, punctuation, or digits should be used. A client should only send this command to the server once, at the beginning of the connection.

      • message <messagetext>\r\n

        Using this command, a client sends the message <messagetext> to the chatroom. The fishtank server should relay this message to each of the connected clients, so those clients can display the message to the users. So, for example, a client might send the following command:
        message hi everybody!\r\n
        in order to send the message "hi everybody!" to the chatroom.

      • listusers\r\n

        Using this command, a client asks the fishtank server to send it a list of users currently connected to the chatroom.

      The fishtank server needs to be able to send responses to each of these commands to the connected client. For each of the above commands, the following actions are taken and response messages are sent to the client:

      • hello: If the fishtank server receives a hello command from a client, the server will parse the command, and attempt to open a connection to the client on the supplied port. Note that the server will need to discover the address of the client; your transport layer should provide the server with this address when notifying the server application of a newly arrived connection. If the server fails to open a connection to the client, it will terminate the incoming connection on which the hello message arrived. If the server successfully opens the connection to the client, it will send back the following reply to the client on that newly opened connection:
        hello <username>\r\n
        For example, if a client connects to the server and sends the server the following command:
        hello joe 211\r\n
        then the server opens a connection to port 211 on the client, and the first message the server sends on that connection is:
        hello joe\r\n

      • message: If the fishtank server receives a message command from a client, the server will parse the command, and then sends the message to all connected clients, including the client that send the message. The message should be send to each client using the following format:
        message user <messagetext>\r\n
        So, for example, imagine a client connects to the fishtank server, and sends a hello message indicating a username joe. Then, sometime later, the client sends the following command to the server:
        message hi everyone!\r\n
        The server should then send the following message to every connected client:
        message joe hi everyone!\r\n

      • listusers: If the fishtank server receives a listusers command from a client, the server parses the command, and then sends a reply message to that client listing all of the connected user names. The format of this reply message is:
        listusers <username>,<username>, ... , <username>\r\n
        So, imagine that 3 clients are connected, with user names joe, lillie, and safeer. Then, a client issues the command listusers. The server will send the following reply to that client:
        listusers joe,stefan,michelle\r\n
        If only one user is connected, the reply will look like:
        listusers joe\r\n

      At steady state, there will be two connections open per attached client: one from the client to the server over which commands flow, and one from the server to the client over which replies flow. If either of these connections is shut down by either endpoint, that client should be fully disconnected from the server, and the other connection should be closed.

    • Fishtank client: Your fishtank client should connect to a specified fishtank server. The client should perform the hello handshake upon connection. As well, it should accept message and listuser commands (from the user or as part of a script), and it should print out replies arriving from the server.

    Fishweb (extra credit)

    For extra credit, you can implement Fishweb, a simple Web server and client. You will need to build the following two components:
    • Simple Web server: Your server should accept connections on the Transport port reserved for Fishweb, port 80. For each arriving connection, it decodes the request using HTTP (see Peterson, Chapter 9.2.2).

      • Note that standard HTTP is implemented on TCP, which uses bidirectional connections, while our Fishnet transport protocol provides only unidirectional connections. To account for this, we will add a new request header of the form "Response-Port: 7". The client uses this header to indicate the port it will use to listen for responses (e.g., port 7). Similarly, HTTP responses should echo the name of the requested file in a header such as "Location: index".

      • You should only support the very simplest form of "GET" requests, as in "GET index http/1.0\r\nResponse-Port: 7\r\n". The server then establishes another connection in the opposite direction, and if the file exists in the node's "www" directory, sends the file to the other side, again using HTTP. Use only the simplest reply format, e.g., "HTTP/1.0 202 Accepted\r\nLocation: index\r\nLength 20\r\n<file contents>", or "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\nLocation: index\r\n" if the file doesn't exist. The Length field gives the length of the file contents in bytes.

    • Web client: On the client side, the application should be able to connect to a remote web server running on a node at port 80. Your client should simply print the contents of the downloaded file on the terminal. By default, your web server should at least host the file "index". Note that we are using HTTP/1.0, so that connections are terminated as soon as the file has been downloaded; another connection must be established to download additional files.


    As usual, you should strive to come up with a design and implementation that will interoperate with other students' nodes. So, you should obey the protocol specification precisely, but you must try to be forgiving about implementation errors in other students' code, where possible.

    Discussion Questions

    1. The Fishtank application as described above uses a single transport connection in each direction per client. A different design would use a transport connection per command and reply. Describe the pros and cons of these two designs.

    2. Describe which features of your transport protocol are a good fit to the Fishtank application, and which are not. Are the features that are not a good fit simply unnecessary, or are they problematic, and why? If problematic, how can we best deal with them?

    3. Even if you did not implement the extra credit Fishweb application, read through its protocol specification above. Describe which features of your transport protocol are a good fit to this application, and which are not. Are the features that are not a good fit simply unnecessary, or are they problematic, and why? If problematic, how can we best deal with them?

    4. Describe one way in which you would like to improve your design.

    Turn In

    Turn in electronic and paper material as follows.
    1. Electronically turn in all of the source code for your node.

    2. In class on the due date, turn in your design document, a printout of your code, and answers to the discussion questions. As well, provide a "man page" for your node that tells us how to use it to connect to a Fishtank server of our choosing, and how to set up a Fishtank server using your node.

    3. Use Fishtank to connect to as many other groups' Fishtank servers as you can. Record which node (node's name) you were able to connect to, and the list of users currently connected to that node. Use the script command to capture a session in which you interact with your own server, and a second session in which you interact with another group's server.

    Grading guidelines

    Each part of the project is graded on a 5 point (0-4) scale, multiplied by the weight of the part. The weighted grades from all parts of the project are added together to produce the final grade. There is an extra credit component to this project.

    The five point scale is based on how well you show your understanding of the problem, and in case of code how well your implementation works:

    0 - nothing turned in
    1 - show minimal understanding of the problem / most things don't work
    2 - show some understanding of the problem / some things work
    3 - show a pretty good understanding of the problem / most things work
    4 - show excellent understanding of the problem / everything works

    The weights for the parts of project 3 are:

    Fishtank implementation: 1/2 of total grade
    Write-up of your design decisions: 1/4 of total grade
    Answers to discussion questions: 1/8 of total grade
    Print-out of captured output: 1/8 of total grade

    Fishweb (extra credit)

    Math & Computational Sciences
    University of Toronto at Mississauga