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Installation Guide

Run as a plugin for Eclipse (for Users)

In a running Eclipse, use the "Help/Software Updates/Find and Install" menu to first install the "Eclipse Modeling Framework" (EMF) :
"Search for new features to install", find the EMF/SDO/XSD feature from the Eclipse features (version 2.1.2).

Then use the "Help/Software Updates/Find and Install" and enter the following update address as the Remote site:

Note, the above plugin is consistent with Eclipse 3.1.2 and EMF/SDO/XSD 2.1.2. To use it with another Eclipse SDK (e.g. 3.2M4), you also have to use it with
the corresponding EMF (e.g. 2.2.0M4) and rebuild the OpenOME update site (How? see the Run as a SDK section).
(That was why some users experienced problem when I placed the 3.2M4 compiled OpenOME to the update site.
Now it is reverted back to a 3.1.2 compiled one, simply because most users prefer a stable Eclipse, rather than a "better" one.)

When you run the Eclipse+OpenOME for the first time, the project navigator is empty.
You need to create an empty "Simple" project, then
(1) either to edit an empty ".q7" file,
or (2) to import an existing OME project ".tel" file.

You can find some examples here:

  • Some examples
  • (Developers: we may need to create a new feature to import some example files for the first time users)

    Software Product Requirements for users:

    Run as a SDK in the Eclipse IDE (for Developers)

    Extract the artifacts from the following subversion repository:
       mkdir -p workspaces/openome-sdk
       cd workspaces/openome-sdk
       svn co svn://www.cs.toronto.edu/cs/htdocs/km/openome/repo/trunk .
    My Eclipse installation is organized as follows:
    D:	($HOME on Linux)
          /eclipse	(where release Eclipse SDK is extracted)
          /eclipse  (where stable Eclipse SDK is extracted)
      /emf		(note, must use a version consistent to the Eclipse SDK)
          /eclipse (where release EMF is extracted)
          /eclipse (where stable EMF is extracted)
          /eclipse (where recent OpenOME Eclipse plugin can be installed)
          /eclipse (where recent Mylar plugin can be installed)
          /eclipse (where recent subclipse plugin can be installed)
      /openome-sdk (where your subversion work copy is checked out)
    	README.txt			self explanatory document
    	att.grappa/			The GRAPPA library for graphviz
    	com.ibm.btools.texml/		The Business process library
    	com.keypoint.png/			The PNG export library
    	com.omondo.xerces/			The XML library
    	edu.stanford.smi.protege/		The Protege 
    	edu.toronto.cs.goalmodel/		The EMF goal model 
    	edu.toronto.cs.goalmodel.edit/		The EMF goal model edit
    	edu.toronto.cs.goalmodel.editor/        The EMF goal model editor
    	edu.toronto.cs.ome.eclipse.feature/	The OpenOME feature
    	edu.toronto.cs.ome.eclipse.update/	The OpenOME update site
    	edu.toronto.cs.ome.editor/	The OpenOME editor plugin
    	edu.toronto.cs.ome.jtelos/ The Telos knowledge representation
    	edu.toronto.cs.q7/	The Q7 language implementation
    	it.unitn.goal_analysis/	The GR-tool library for bottom-up reasoning
    	org.apache.batik/ The BATIK library for SVG export
    	org.sat4j/	  The SAT4J library for top-down reasoning
    	eclipse*	  The Linux SDK start script
    	eclipse.bat	  The Windows SDK start script
    	svn_setup.sh      setting up your Subvesion repository
    	junction.exe	  utility for creating symlink on NTFS	 
    You can organize it differently, as long as you make proper changes to the starting script.
    Modify the following files to contain proper paths to Eclipse plugins.
    For example,
       D:/IDE/emf/2.1.2 ( $HOME/IDE/emf/2.1.2 on Linux)
       D:/IDE/subclipse/0.9.105 ( $HOME/IDE/subclipse/0.9.105 on Linux)
       D:/IDE/openome/0.0.14 ( $HOME/IDE/openome/0.0.14 on Linux)
    Define the proper path for ECLIPSE_HOME in the batch script eclipse.bat ( eclipse on Linux) to the chosen Eclipse SDK.
    When you run the eclipse script for the first time, the workspace is empty. Then you need to do this: File -> Import -> Existing Projects
    Fill in the current directory name to import the OpenOME projects of your work copy into your workspace.
    OpenOME can be run inside the SDK as an ``Eclipse Application":

    (1) turn off all the plugins,
    (2) turning on all the Eclipse plugins in the workspace, plus the text editor: org.eclipse.ui.editors
    (3) add all the required plugins

    It can also be run as an Eclipse product:

    (1) Open the project edu.toronto.cs.ome.editor
    (2) Open the file openome.product
    (3) Launch the product from the product editor

    Now, how to deploy the results?
    OpenOME can be built inside Eclipse SDK as follows:

    (1) Open the project edu.toronto.cs.ome.eclipse.update
    (2) Open the file site.xml
    (3) Click "Build all"

    Once the product is rebuilt, one can copy the follow files inside this project to an update site (in our case, /cs/htdocs/km/openome/update)


    How to publish documentation?
    The web site sources are also under version control now. To download the documentations:
    svn co svn://www.cs.toronto.edu/cs/htdocs/km/openome/www

    To contribute documentations, you need to contact the the webmaster to get the permission to change the documents.

    Our internal (to cslab) bug and issue tracking system hosted at http://age.cs.toronto.edu:8000/trac
    (TODO: We will host it to the public pretty soon...)

    Software Development Process Requirements for the developers:

