CSGSBS @ UofT | About Us

We are the Computer Science Graduate Society (CSGS), representing graduate students studying computer science at the University of Toronto. In addition to serving as your liaison, we also organize events such as cookie breaks and games/pub nights. Join us on Discord <3

-CSGSBS ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ


Executive Council

Role (+ex officio) Holder Username/Email
President Bohdan (Bogdan) Pikula pikula
Vice-President Akshay Arun Bapat bapataks
Treasurer Georgianna (Blue) Lin blue
Ambassador to the Union (GSU Rep) (vacant) (vacant)
Workers’ Union Delegate (CUPE 3902 Rep) Nathan Peter Michael Gurrin-Smith nathan
Social Coordinator Bo (Brian) Fu fubof
Social Coordinator Pawan Kumar Sanjaya pawks
Social Coordinator Yi Xin (Nicole) Zhao zhaoz192
Systems Administrator Robert (Rupert) Wu rupert
MScAC Liaison Robert Joshua Redelmeier rredelmeier

Foreign Ministry - Delegates to the Department of Computer Science

  • Ambassadors to the Graduate Affairs Committee (2)*
    • Claas A. Voelcker - cvoelcker@
    • David Glukhov - dglukhov@
    • (vacant; email csgsbs@ if you’re interested!)
  • Ambassadors to the Undergraduate Affairs Committee (2)*
    • (vacant)
    • (vacant)
  • Assistants to Women in Computer Science (DCSwomen)*
    • (vacant)

* non-voting member(s)
