MAC Address

A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to all network adapters. At CSLab its used to identify machines that have access to our various networks. For example, to gain access to the Red Network your machine's Ethernet MAC address needs to be in CSLab's database. See bellow for instructions on finding your MAC address in Linux, OS X, and Windows.

In the terminal type: /sbin/ifconfig

This will display a list of all your network adapters. I only need your Ethernet MAC address, usually found under eth0.

There are two ways to find your MAC Address is OS X. The first (and simplest) way, is to go to System Preferences. In System Preferences select Network.

For the Show field, select Built-in Ethernet.

Select the Ethernet tab. The Ethernet ID is your MAC Address.

The alternative way of finding your MAC address is to type /sbin/ifconfig in your terminal. This will list all your network capable hardware, with a MAC address for each. The trick is to find the right one. The Mac address is listed under 'ether' in the 'en0' section.

Go to Start > Run...

In the window that pops up type cmd and click OK.

In the terminal window that just popped up, type: ipconfig /all

You may need to scroll to the section titled, "Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:"
The Physical Address is your MAC address.