CSC 263, 265, and 378 Repository

This is a Subversion (SVN) Repository located at /p/theory/profs/Repository which contains assignment and test questions used in previous sections. The repository is only readable to members of the unix group theoryprofs. I've tried to include useful information for working with SVN repositories below, you can find more details about SVN here.

Initial Checkout:
Usually, when working with a Subversion (SVN) repository you will start by "checking out" the repository. This creates a working copy of the repository in your home directory or on your local machine. You can then make changes and modifications without interfering with another person's use of the material. Once you're ready, you can commit your changes back to the repository to share with the rest of the faculty. Use the following command to check out the repository.

svn checkout file:///p/theory/profs/Repository

If this is your first time using the repository you can check the README.TXT file for an overview of how the repository has been organized. Once you've checked out the repository you'll have a copy of the README.TXT file in your working copy of the repository. If you'd like to view the README.TXT file beofre checkig out the repository, you can find a copy at /p/theory/profs/README.TXT

Basic Work Cycle:
Once you have a working copy you can then use your favorite editor to make changes to existing files. You can also make additions using svn add to add new files to the repository. Once you're done and would like to share your changes with other faculty members you can use svn commit to upload your changes back to the main repository.

For example:
Usually you'll want to start by updating your working copy to receive any changes made since your last update.

svn update Repository

There are two kinds of changes you can make to your working copy, file changes and tree changes. You can use your favorite text editor, word processor or any other software you like to make changes to existing files (known as file changes). SVN will automatically detect these changes. Tree changes refers to the removal, addition, copying or moving of a file.

Basic Work Cycle: File changes
Lets say you'd like to add a new question to recurrences.tex (located in Repository/0_Basics), simply open the file in your text editor (ex: vi Repository/0_Basics/recurrences.tex), add the question and save the file. Now your working copy of recurrences.tex will have your modifications, but the repository won't.

You can run svn status to display what file you've changed. If your working from withing the Repository (you used the command cd Repository) you can simply type:

svn status

Some people prefer to run all commands from their home directory, in which case use:

svn status Repository

At this point in this example svn status will display the following:
M      0_Basics/recurrences.tex

You can use the svn commit command to send your changes to the shared repository. When committing changes to the repository you also need to add a comment to the log files. This makes it much easier to track changes later.

svn commit -m "Added a question to 0_Basics/recurrences.tex"

If the commit was successful you should see something similar to:
Sending   recurrences.tex
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 2.

SVN only checks to make sure that nobody else has made changes to any of the same files that you changed. If someone has done that, the entire commit will fail with a message informing you that one or more of your files is out of date. In this example, if someone else has made a change to recurrences.tex you'll see something like:
Sending    recurrences.tex
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Out of date: 'recurrences.tex' in transaction '3-1'

This means you'll need to run svn update, sort out what changes were made to recurrences.tex, merge your changes in and try to commit again.

svn update
C    recurrences.tex
Update to revision3.

The C stands fro conflict. If SVN considers the file to be mergable, it places conflict markers (special strings of text) into the file to visibly demonstrate the overlapping areas. For every conflicted file, SVN places three extra unversioned files in your working copy. Filename.mine is your file as it existed before you updated your working copy (If SVN considers the file to be unmergable the .mine file isn't created since it would be identical to the working copy). Filename.rOLDREV is a copy of the 'base' revision file, that is the file you checked out before you made any edits. Filename.rNEWREV is the 'head' revision file, this is the file currently in the shared repository. In our example it would look like:

ls recurrences.tex*

Looking at the file with the conflict markers is usually a good place to start merging the two setts of changes. Lets say you both added a question at the end of the recurrences.tex file. There would now be conflict markers that look something like:

Original text of file
<<<<<<< .mine
Changes you made

Changes the other person made

>>>>>>> .r3

To keep both new questions in the file simply remove the conflict markers and make sure the two questions are properly separated. Once you've merged your changes with the new version use the svn resolved command to tell SVN you've manually merged the changes. Then try commit again.

svn resolved recurrences.tex
svn commit

Basic Work Cycle: Tree Changes
There are times when the changes you'd like to make involve adding, removing, copying or moving a file, these are known as tree changes. For example, if you had an entirely new set of questions to add to 0_Basics. You already have a file with all these questions and would like to add the entire file as is, instead of coping the questions into an existing file. This is a good time to use the svn add command. First, move your new file to your working copy of the repository, then add it to the repository. Finally, commit your changes to the shared repository.

mv foo Repository/0_Basics/foo
svn add Repository/0_Basics/foo
svn commit Repository

The svn delete, copy and move commands work similarly.

Removing the Repository:
Having a working copy of the entire repository in your home directory is a waste of space, especially once you're done teaching the course. The simple solution to this is simply to delete it. The central repository will remain, with the modifications you made earlier. If you should ever need the files again in the future you simply check them out again.

rm -R Repository