Hide Google Redirects for Google Search History Users (by David James)
"Google's Search History facility stops you from being able to copy search result links for pasting into emails, code, and so on. This is because the links now have extra tracking information in them to let you know which links you've followed. I now find myself having to paste the link into an editor each time and chop it down, which is considerably irritating." -- Sean Palmer

To fix this problem, I created a GreaseMonkey extension which removes all of the redirects, and notifies Google about clicks using a background HTTP request. It works transparently, so clicking on links, and copying and pasting them "just works", like it should.

Installation Instructions

  1. Install Firefox and the GreaseMonkey Extension
  2. Right click here, and select 'Install User Script'

Other scripts by David James:

See also

David James is a fourth-year full-time Computer Science Student at the University of Toronto.