Jan. 15 th. The  first assignment's due date is confirmed for  Jan. 29th, 7 PM.
Jan. 15 th.  On Jan 24 th. (and, most probably,  the fridays previous to an assignment's due         date), Flavio will be at his office (S-627C). Time : TBA
Jan. 15 th.  Given the requests presented on Wednesday 8th, we inform that NO student without  ALL  the course  prerequisites will be allowed to stay in the course.
Jan 15th.   We STRONGLY recommend to attend the tutorials you are enrolled in. Tutorial attendance will be limited to a certain number of students (most probably, only the enrolled number in each tutorial).
Jan 15th.  A very useful tool for helping assisting  E/R design is the ERWIN data modeler (see  Assignment 1, Part II, Excerse 1). You may want to download an evaluation version at
Jan. 18 th.  Note regarding Q1 part2 of the assignment: some people asked if you  must design  the tool described in the assignment.  You  must NOT design the software tool, but you must design the E/R model (in a simplified version)  for such a SW tool, also allowing different users, projects, etc.  For example, a user, for some project(say, a payroll system), will define the entities, relationships, attributes, etc, of THAT project, and your tool will store this objects in a database .  Another user will do the same thing for another project, and so on.
Jan. 21 st. Additional office hours  at S627C by Flavio, on Friday 24th, 4to 6pm.
Jan 31st.   NOTE: PRESENTATION is an item that will be part of the marking scheme for the assignments.  Assignments must be submitted in a folder/envelope including (altogether) the  PDA (group work. part I) and the individual part (Part II).

Feb. 3rd. Notice that PartII,  Question 2a. has been changed to :

Name of employees,city of residence and city of the plant, for the employees such that the distance from the city where they live  to the city where the plant where they work is located, is the largest among all employees in the company.

Also, we have decided  that the SQL queries, on PART II of  assignment 2, must NOT be submitted on Feb. 12th (they will be added to the 3rd. assignment). The SQL section in PART I (PDA) remains withouth changes.
Feb. 4th  EXTRA OFFICE HOURS, given by Flavio, on Friday  Feb. 7th, from 3 to 5 pm, S627C.

Feb. 5th. There will be a box in the 6th floor for leaving the assignments. Assignments submitted after due date will NOT be marked. Also, keep in mind the note of Jan 31st regarding presentation.

Feb. 5th  NOTE: No aids (books, notes, etc.) will be allowed to use in  the midterm exam. The exam will include all the subjects given in class until Wed. 29th: E/R modeling, Relational Model, Relational Algebra, Constraints, SQL (DDL statenments only).

 Feb. 6th  On the note of Feb5th: the midterm exam will cover Chapters 1 to 4 of the book.

 Feb. 13th.  Midterm marks and Assignment 3 posted.

Feb. 15 th  We strongly suggest answering the odd-numbered questions in the book, and checking your answers against the ones provided in the book's web site.

Feb. 16th.   Note that in Assignment 3,  PII,  some of the queries, but not all of them, are the ones in Assignment 2.  You are NOT required to express in SQL the queries in Assignment 2 that are not in Assignment 3.  You just have to hand in what is asked for in Assignment 3.

March. 4th . Extra office hours by Flavio will be given on Tuesday 11th, 1 - 3 PM.

March. 7th  Marks for Assignment 2 posted.

March 11 th  Due to problems with DB2, we  pospone the assignment's due date until Thursday, March 13th. This due date is FIRM, whatever
happens with the system.  In other case, it would be unfair for the  students who have been working on the assignment for three weeks.
March 13 th  We have posted some DB2 programming examples involving cursors,  and some instructions for compiling embeded SQL programs.

March 13 th  For questions regarding the marking of Assignment # 2, please send an e-mail to Bina Mistry,  in order to set an appointment.

March 13 th  - IMPORTANT - For Assignment # 4, you will have to show that the program you will handle on April 2nd  actually runs correctly on DB2. This demos will take place on April 10 from 2 pm to 9 pm and April 11th from 2pm to 5pm (the program should be EXACTLY the one you handle on paper on April 2nd). Please, send an e-mail to Bina, for setting the appontment for the demo.

March 21st  Please, note a typo In Assignment #4, Part II, Question 2 (already fixed):  Relation R is R(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) (originally the "E" was missing)

March 25th  IMPORTANT: Extra office hours by Flavio on Friday 28 th, 3-5 pm.

March 26th  IMPORTANT: NEW Assignment #4 due date: Friday April 4th, 6PM.

March 30th  Check the PDA's demonstration schedule before sending an e-mail to Bina ( You must perform a demo
of the PDA  between Wednesday, April 9th, and Friday, April 10th in order to get the  marks  for Part I of Assignment #4.
April 13th.  Solution for A4 Q3 posted.
April 14th.  Solution for A4 Q3 posted (new version).

April 16th   Office hours for final exam : Friday 18th. 4-6 PM. Bahen Center at St George Campus, Room 4249.
April 18th   Office hours for final exam Added: Monday 21st. 5-6 PM. Bahen Center at St George Campus, Room 4249.
April 20th   About the exam: NO AIDS will be allowed. Must be written using a pen. Bring a calculator. Students will be responsible for ALL topics covered in class (including last lecture -slides 1-18), INLCUDING TOPICS COVERED IN THE MIDTERM. Slides are only guidelines, NOT lecture notes.